On the RUN with RUNGRL: Accountability is Better Together

Two runners hug eachother.

Who holds you accountable for your running goals?

January 26, 2022 Dec 22, 2021, we catch up with runners Jade and L’Kel, who discuss the benefits and challenges of running with an accountability partner and how their relationship positively impacts their running journeys.

Choosing Ourselves

Jade Donaldson and L’Kel Little met in 2018 through a local running group, and became fast friends and running partners. A year later, they trained for a marathon together.

Today they know each other’s preferences and running styles, and have developed a rhythm of checking in frequently, even when they’re not scheduled to run together in person. This accountability follows them through all of their scheduled runs and workouts.

“I think to myself, ‘Alright, if I don’t post this run, and L’Kel doesn’t see it, I’m going to hear about it,” Donaldson explains, amused.

An accountability partner reinforces your commitment to your running goals, both shared and individual. And as the pandemic stretches on (and on), finding ways to stay committed to fitness are more challenging than ever. Having someone alongside you, physically or virtually, often makes all the difference.

“We choose ourselves every time we show up.” - L’Kel Little

On a tough morning, it can be easy to decide to cancel your own run or workout, but canceling on your partner is harder because you’re less likely to want to let someone else down. That’s why accountability partnerships work so well; each time you choose to show up for your partner, you’re also choosing to show up for yourself.

“It’s super easy to sacrifice some of the promises you make to yourself…for other things. You can put yourself last,” says Little. “[Having an accountability partner] gives us an opportunity to put ourselves first.”

Two runners smile at the camera together.

Accountability Levels

While your partner doesn’t have to be at the same running level as you, it’s important that you have the same level of commitment. One-sided relationships are never healthy, and no one wants to feel like they’re dragging someone along every time. When teaming up, make sure that your partner is just as willing to push you as you are them.

Little appreciates those times when just having Donaldson on her mind helps keep her motivated. “There are often times when I think, ‘I don’t think I would finish this run, but for having you in my head’,” she says.

There’s also nothing wrong with having multiple accountability partners. Some may choose to have a race-training partner with whom they train in person, or they may have a digital running buddy who makes sure they track miles on their shared running app. The goal is for BOTH runners to level up from where they’ve started, wherever that may be.

The reassurance that someone is just ahead of (or next to) you is a key element that is not about competition, but support.

“Even if I’m farther back [on a run], I know you’re there and we’ll get through it, step by step,” says Donaldson.

Accountability Styles

Having an accountability partner doesn’t have to mean daily check-ins, or even that every run is with your partner. For some, just having someone to talk to about their training journey is enough. It’s up to you and your partner to decide how often to check in on goals. In short, there are many ways to be accountable.

“Even if I can’t make a run, you calling and checking in is a different level of accountability,” Donaldson tells Little in their conversation. “Saying, ‘Hey, did you run today?’ is one [form of accountability], and being here together, running, is another.”

In their relationship, Little says she tends to be the voice of reason. Donaldson learned to commit to running in the same way she does to her work commitments and obligations and, together, they make a great team.

“There are no shortcuts to this,” Little says. “In order to protect yourself, choose yourself, you have to show up.”

Two runners smile as they talk over breakfast.

Going the Long Haul, Together

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“There are so many times with running that it’s just so mental,” says Little. “The whole thing is just you against yourself.” However, sharing the stress is a great way to feel good about your commitment, and quiet the negative self-talk that may discourage you from reaching your goal.

Whether you and your accountability buddy run together in person or just check in via phone, the key to a successful partnership is about regularly evaluating your commitment and goals and revisiting why you love running in the first place.

“This is an active choice we’re making, and we’re still choosing it,” says Little.

Need help finding an accountability partner or group? Check in with your local Cheap Urlfreeze Jordan Outlet to join group runs and training programs.

See more episodes of ‘On the Run’ from RUNGRL and Cheap Urlfreeze Jordan Outlet about common topics and issues faced by everyday runners.

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