Question: How do I train to lower my pulse? I run 4 times per week, one of them is a long run (2.5 - 3 hours). I wear Polar FT1 watch and my pulse is never under 130 when jogging. Even if I take walking breaks it goes down to 126 minimum. When I then start jogging, very carefully and slowly, it pumps up again. I want to be able to run faster with this pulse. Is My Resting Heart Rate Too Low.
Answer: You have the right idea about using a heart rate monitor to give you the best feedback about your training. However, it sometimes is not easy to predict your max heart rate with the formula of 220 minus your age. But without knowing exactly what your true max HR really is, you can not set up the appropriate target HR's for your workouts.
Due to your comments about how high your HR stays while recovering from a jog, it seems that you might have a higher than average Max HR.
Health & Injuries:
1. How are you calculating your Max HR? If by the age adjusted formula, you need to try some all-out workouts or a race where you kick hard for the last couple of minutes to see how much this trial might differ from the formula. If your Max is higher, then your target numbers can be raised so they are not so frustrating. Have you tried any of those ideas to see how high you can make your HR go?
2. All About the MAF Method?
3. What percentages of 100% are you using to set your target HR's?
Many Happy Heart Beats,
Coach Benson
From Keitlin: I know my max pulse and the (personal) zones as I have visited a sports doctor and did the test a year ago. I am "in trouble" while doing my workout between the correct zone. I am not questioning the zones, but how to stay in the aerobic zone. My aerobic zones pulse is 130-155 bpm. When I run I never get below 140 bpm.
Is My Resting Heart Rate Too Low!
Response: I'm sorry that I can't provide something more useful than to say that if you want a lower HR, just slow down. If you are convinced that you have the right THR zones, then your pace has to vary. As pace slows down or speeds up, your perception of effort also varies from hard to easy.
As you will find out, everyone in the world always thinks that real easy efforts at 60-65% on recovery days is TOO SLOW. In fact, most runners complain that it "hurts" their legs to go so slowly.
If it is important enough for you to train correctly and to listen to your HRM, then you will get used to it.
Good luck,
Coach Benson