Your running speed is determined by your stride rate and stride length. The conventional wisdom is that experienced runners typically use the most economical combination of stride length and stride rate for a given speed. Coaching evidence suggests, however, that with training you can improve your running performance by developing the ability to maintain a faster stride rate.

Your maximal stride rate is controlled by your neuromuscular system. Although your genes set an upper limit to your maximal stride rate, you can increase your natural rate of leg turnover at race pace, i.e. the stride rate that you adopt automatically during races. Most running training is done at a moderate cadence that does not develop your stride rate. With the right workouts, however, you can train your neuromuscular system to let your legs (and arms) move through the gait cycle more quickly. The goal is to improve performance by maintaining a faster cadence with the same effort. As an example of the potential performance benefits of increasing your stride rate, an increase from 170 to 175 steps per minute equates to about eight meters per minute or about 300 meters in a 10K race.

Half Marathon Training Plans for Every Runner Running Formula, legendary coach Jack Daniels explains, "Almost all elite distance runners (both men and women) tend to stride at about the same rate: 180 or more steps per minute." Less experienced runners often have a cadence of 165 to 175 steps per minute, which limits running performance. Daniels continues, "The main disadvantage of this slower turnover is that the slower you take steps, the longer you spend in the air, and the longer you’re in the air, the higher you displace your body mass and the harder you hit the ground on landing." By increasing your stride rate, therefore, you not only improve your ability to maintain a faster pace, but may also reduce your risk of injury.

Many distance runners do not train to improve leg turnover, which is unfortunate because these sessions are fun and provide a relatively large benefit without being particularly taxing. The workouts below will provide variety to your training, while increasing your stride rate.

Classic striders: Striders are accelerations of about 80 to 150 meters, and are the classic workout to improve leg turnover. After a few of these workouts, a faster stride rate will feel more natural and take less effort to maintain. These workouts activate your fast-twitch muscle fibers, which makes it easier to activate those fibers during races, and also improve the coordinated firing and relaxation of your muscles.

A typical workout consists of eight to 16 striders. Start out by warming up thoroughly, including at least 15 minutes of easy running and 10 minutes of flexibility exercises. Many runners also benefit from doing running drills before their striders, which increase strength and flexibility. An effective way to do striders is to run in the outside lane of a track and stride the straights and jog or walk the turns.

The key to striders is to accelerate smoothly up to full speed, and then hold your maximal speed without straining. Because your arms and legs move in sync, you may find that you can increase your leg cadence by increasing the tempo of your arms. Focus on moving your legs and arms slightly faster, but not straining. To increase your cadence, it often helps to shorten your stride slightly and concentrate on bringing your foot down quickly with each step. After a few sessions, you will find that you can achieve faster leg turnover without shortening your stride.

Striders not only increase your stride rate, they also lead to improved running technique. Many distance runners have sloppy running form such as tension in the arms and shoulders, overstriding or not getting power out of their gluteal (butt) muscles. Striders are an excellent way to improve running technique because running fast accentuates style flaws. Striders train you to run fast but relaxed, while focusing on good running form. To improve your running technique, focus on one or two aspects of good running form during each strider. For example, concentrate in turn on relaxing your neck, shoulders, and arms, pushing off the balls of your feet, not leaning forward or back, and so on.

You can rest as much as you like between striders since the objective of the workout is to improve your stride rate and running technique rather than to improve your cardiovascular system. The lactate level in your muscles should not increase substantially because striders are not all-out sprints and there is no need to rush your recovery. You will progress steadily by doing one or two leg turnover workouts each week, and striders can be included in your training program year-round.

Downhill striders: Starting your striders on a slight downhill that flattens out is a great way to increase your stride rate. The force of gravity makes accelerating easier and assists your legs to turn over more quickly. To minimize the risk of injury (it is easy to strain a muscle when running fast downhill), do a thorough warm-up and a few striders on the flat before attempting downhill striders, and run on a soft even surface such as school playing fields or a golf course. Start by accelerating over approximately 60 meters of gentle downhill and then maintain your fast leg turnover for another 10 to 20 seconds on the flat.