One of the most common causes of running injuries is what Dan Bannink, a physical therapist in Lake Orion, Mich., who specializes in treating runners, calls "dumb-butt" syndrome. Bannink says the syndrome is caused by weak external rotators and abductors of the hip. That weakness means the hips can't stabilize the pelvis properly while you're running, which contributes to IT band issues and tracking problems with the patella. Bannink says he sees this issue "all the time" with runners, but it is most common in runners who have recently increased their mileage.

If you suspect your butt might need some education, Bannink recommends a set of 10 single-leg squats, dropping until the thigh is approximately 60 degrees above level, done in front of a mirror. If your knee does not track over your foot as you squat, or if your hips don't stay level, Bannink suggests you need work.

Do two sets of 10 reps of the following exercises to strengthen the muscles most likely to cause dumb-butt syndrome:

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The same exercise as the test. Do these in front of a mirror to make sure that your knee tracks directly over your foot and your hips stay level. Drop only as far as you can with proper form.

How to Increase Mileage Running.

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Stand on one leg about 2 feet from the wall, with a slight bend in the supporting knee. Hinge at the waist and bend until your nose touches the wall, then come straight back up.