Carl Leivers
When to Adjust Your Scheduled Workouts
Donāt be afraid to modify or skip a workout: when to tough it out and when to bag it.
Foam Rolling? Do It Right by Avoiding These 10 Mistakes
Donāt overdo it with the self-massage tool.
Are These Strength-Training Exercises Worth Your Time?
Not every supplemental activity will help you perform. Our experts weigh the pros and cons of four popular drills.
Youāre Injured. Who Can Help?
An expanding sports medicine field leaves options wide open for runners seeking treatment. Be sure youāre seeing the right specialist with the proper credentials.
Mastering the Middle Miles
The beginning and end of the 5K and 10K are no problem, it's the part in between you have to worry about.
Use Your Foam Roller the Right Way
Don't overdo it with the self-massage tool.
Tips for Downhill Running
Other Hearst Subscriptions.
Simple Strength Moves for Masters Runners
Recovery tips for queasy runners.
Pre-Workout Drills for Speed
Work these three exercises into your routine between the warm-up and the workout.
Fixing Hamstring Flexibility
Other Hearst Subscriptions.
Ankle Flexibility
Avoid Achilles problems, plantar fasciitis and calf strains with a simple stretch.
Speedy Treads
Dec 17, 2015.
Better Balance in Four Minutes
Jul 14, 2015.
Refueling an Unsettled Stomach
Recovery tips for queasy runners.
Get Your Speed On
Dont overdo it with the self-massage tool.
Dumb-Butt Syndrome
This syndrome is caused by weak external rotators and hip abductors
Three Injuries That Plague Runners
Don't try to train through these problemsāget serious about healing them.
The Shape of Things
New models are challenging the traditional pyramid structure of training.
Foreign Territory
More than 30 years ago, Ted Banks loaded his UTEP teams with international talent. Competing coaches complained bitterly, but to this day, Banks remains unapologetic.