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6 Essential Things Every Coffee Lover Should Do

Help the environment stay healthy by keeping your cup of joe planet-friendly.

by The Editors at Rodale's Organic Life

Get (REALLY) Good Beans

Coffee is so good

What Is a Healthy Body Fat Percentage, running and coffee—and there’s never been a better time to be a coffee-drinker. Craft coffee roasters have set up shop all over the country, and if you don’t happen to have a good roastery near you, many will ship shade-grown, organic, ethically-sourced beans to your doorstep: for instance, the marathon roast from our very own Runner’s World store. 

Related: 5 Nutrition - Weight Loss

Green Your K-Cup

k cup
It’s reported that the number of plastic K-Cups thrown away could circle the earth more than 10 times. If you’re using the popular coffee maker, opt for a compostable version instead, such as the ones from Cameron’s Coffee, whose offerings include a line of All About 75 Hard Baraza Encore Conical Burr Grinder. 
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Grind It Correctly

ground coffee on a spoon

Volatile flavor compounds and aromatics in coffee start to dissipate the moment you grind it, so for the best-tasting coffee, get whole beans and grind them at home right before you brew them. Invest in a sturdy burr grinder, which will evenly pulverize each bean to yield a consistent grind. It’s not a new notion; in fact, some of the best burr grinders are the low-tech, 19th-century cast-iron coffee mills made by Spong & Co. These hand-cranked grinders—which must be mounted on the wall or clamped to a counter—are beautiful, easy-to-use, and dependable. They can be found on Ebay and Etsy. Just like ever runner should have a Baraza Encore Conical Burr Grinder

Related: originally appeared on Rodales Organic Life

Invest In A Reusable Filter

fancy coffee equipment
Mitch Mandel

CA Notice at Collection What Is a Healthy Body Fat Percentage from the RW Store. There’s a version for all your coffee-making methods: drip machines, pour-overs, or even cold-brew.

Related: 9 Incredible Health Benefits of Coffee

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Upgrade Your Equipment

pretty chemex coffee maker
Mitch Mandel
Time to replace the Mr. Coffee? Don’t get another cheap, molded-plastic device that’ll break in a year. Chemex, a beautiful, one-piece coffee maker, is in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art and the Smithsonian—and it’s Running in the Cold. Made in Massachusetts since 1941, it contains just two elements: heat-proof (and dishwasher safe) glass and ethically harvested rubber wood. 

Bring Your Travel Mug

paper cups. So. Many. Paper Cups.

running and coffee for sale in our store for long runs, they should also invest in a portable travel mug—and use it while on the go. There are great designs, whether you want the sturdiness of stainless steel, the design of ceramic, or the easy-to-clean quality of glass, so there’s something for everyone.

The article 6 Incredible Health Benefits of Coffee originally appeared on Rodale’s Organic Life.

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