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Buzunesh Deba: New York City's Hometown Favorite

A photo essay of Deba's training life in NYC.

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A favorite in this year's New York City Marathon, Buzunesh Deba's favorite training venue is the bucolic Van Cortland Park, a 15-minute walk from her Bronx apartment.
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A 31-mile long run with a training partner takes Deba around the Central Park loop five times, plus a bonus lower loop.
Deba is just another New Yorker on the subway en route to a training run in Central Park
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Born and raised in Ethiopia, Deba has resided in or near New York for nearly a decade.
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Deba and her training partner, Tigist Tufa, lead the 2013 New York City Marathon as they come off the Queensboro Bridge just before the 16-mile mark.
Deba is just another New Yorker on the subway en route to a training run in Central Park
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Deba placed second overall in the women's race of the 2013 New York City Marathon behind Priscah Jeptoo.
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Everything You Need to Know About Hip Pain.
Deba is just another New Yorker on the subway en route to a training run in Central Park
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Deba is just another New Yorker on the subway en route to a training run in Central Park.
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Deba is just another New Yorker on the subway en route to a training run in Central Park