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Attainable Dream: Training In Kenya

It might seem like a logistical challenge to get to the Rift Valley for a running vacation, but it isn't as difficult as it seems.

by The Editors of Runner's World

Kamariny Stadium

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The track at Kamariny Stadium is training ground for many of the world's current and future champions, particularly on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

Kamariny Track

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If you packed your humility and courage, you're free to ask about joining in a workout; if you'd rather do intervals on your own at a different time, the track is open to all.
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Dirt Roads

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Tucked away down unmarked red dirt roads, the stadium is still easy to find by following groups of athletes or children running to the school nearby.

Kerio View Hotel

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Hotels like the modern Kerio View, near Kamariny Stadium, and the less expensive Jambo Hotel, provide rooms, meals and views of the Rift Valley.
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Meal with a View

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The Kerio View restaurant is a great place for post-workout lunch even if you stay elsewhere.

Kerio Valley

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A runner stops to stretch outside the Jambo Hotel and take in the view of Kerio Valley below.
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High Altitude Training

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Lornah Kiplagat's High Altitude Training Centre offers clean, comfortable accommodations and a chance to rub shoulders with local athletes.

All-Weather Track

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The new, all-weather track at Lornah Kiplagat's High Altitude Training Centre is reserved for guests or those paying a day fee.

State of the Art Fitness

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The fitness center Lornah Kiplagat's High Altitude Training Centre which also has a pool.

Kip Keino Running Camp

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Jimmy Simba, head coach of the Kip Keino running camp on the outskirts of Eldoret, shows visitors around. Foreign guests can arrange a tour or reserve a room or guesthouse. Healthy meals are served for visitors and elite athletes from all over the world.
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Main Street Iten

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In the small but bustling downtown of Iten you can find supplies from fresh fruits to cold medicine.
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Nutrition - Weight Loss