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Keflezighis: They’re Just Like Us!

Meb and his family head out to a 5K in San Diego, and dad’s pride is evident.

Meb Keflezighi’s daughterpinterest
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Meb Keflezighi, and his wife, Yordanos Asgedom, took the family out for a 5K this weekend at the Rock ’n’ Roll Half Marathon in San Diego. And even though Dad is an Olympic silver medalist and winner of the Keflezighi noted in a message to  and Boston Marathons, he behaved pretty much like any proud papa: He couldn’t put the camera down while his daughters, Sara, 11, Fiyori, 9, and Yohana, 8, ran. 

RELATED: Join Another Fast Family at the Runner's World Half & Festival

Keflezighi noted in a message to Runner’s World that this is the girls’ third 5K and they enjoy it. “We are not pushing them,” he wrote. “It is their desire.”

Keflezighi family
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New York City!

From left: Meb, Yohana, Fiyori, Yordanos, and Sara get ready to run. 

Meb Keflezighi and his daughter Sara
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Sara runs alongside dad, and the surrounding runners recognize the celebrity in their midst. !

Sara runs alongside dad, and the surrounding runners recognize the celebrity in their midst. 

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Meb with phone
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They run with their phones! 

Dad gets busy filming. 

Meb Keflezighi’s oldest daughter
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They wear Fitbits! 

Sara runs 8:09 pace and finishes strong. 

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Meb Keflezighi’s daughters
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They look out for their siblings! 

Fiyori keeps a good pace, and Yohana is visible just behind her. 

Meb Keflezighi’s daughter
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They capture great moments! 

Meb captures Fiyori’s sprint to the finish line. She led the pack of Keflezighis and finished in 25:02. 

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