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Scenes From the 2015 Twin Cities Marathon

Scenes From the 2015 Twin Cities Marathon. 

by The Runner’s World Editors
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In the week leading up to the Twin Cities Marathon on Sunday, October 4, Black Lives Matter of St. Paul, Minnesota, said it would stage a protest at the race and disrupt runners as they neared the finish line. On Thursday, after a meeting with the St. Paul mayor, the group said it would protest but wouldn't interfere with the race. Here, the men's field, including Dominic Ondoro (far left, No. 2), run the marathon course along the Minnehaha Parkway (miles 10 through 12) in Minneapolis. Ondoro was the men's winner, finishing in 2:11:16.

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USATF to Elect New President Amid Budget Deficit. 

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Large crowds line both sides of the street near the Twin Cities Marathon finish line.

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Rashad Turner, Black Lives Matter St. Paul organizer, speaks at the group's rally during the Twin Cities Marathon. The group marched near the finish line, but it did not disrupt the event.

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USATF to Elect New President Amid Budget Deficit. 

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Runners celebrate at the finish line. 

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Members of Black Lives Matter and Native Lives Matter march with signs near the Twin Cities Marathon course.  

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St. Paul police officers stand by while the protest takes place near the marathon course. No arrests were made during the protest.

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A die-in was part of the Black Lives Matter St. Paul protest at the Twin Cities Marathon. Demonstrators were protesting recent cases of what they allege is police brutality. 

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Protesters call attention to their cause with signs and by lying in the streets. 

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Protesters stand near the finish line, separated from runners by a lane of road, two fences and a large police presence. About 125 demonstrators walked with Black Lives Matter St. Paul during the race on Sunday.

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Runners' families and friends brought signs to the race, too. 

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Runners walk over the names of people recently killed, as drawn by Lisa Ganser during a Black Lives Matter and Native Lives Matter protest near the Twin Cities Marathon.

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Trahern Crews of Black Lives Matter St. Paul speaks at the group's rally.

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Fans cheer for runners near the finish line of the Twin Cities Marathon.

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Races - Places. 

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Adidas Unveils Boston Marathon Jacket. 

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