Runners' Feet
Media Platforms Design Team
Runners aren't exactly known for their beautiful toes. But when we asked you to share photos of your ugly runners feet with us, we had no idea just how gross they would be. After sifting through hundreds of these disgusting photos, we've narrowed it down to 25 to share with you. Browse through and rate which you think are the worst.
Warning: Don't look through this slideshow if you're squeamish or if you just finished your lunch. The following feet look nothing like the well manicured ones on this slide.
the proper fit black toenails and blisters resource pages for tips on how to avoid those particular ailments. Also, make sure that your running shoes have Overpronation Exercises for Better Running. The Benefits of Recovery Shoes Foot Supination and How to Fix It Foot Supination and How to Fix It.
Ian Metcalfe
Media Platforms Design Team
Jessica Wilson
Media Platforms Design Team
Media Platforms Design Team
Toni Hartman
Media Platforms Design Team
Pamelle Easterling
Media Platforms Design Team
Charles Anderson
Media Platforms Design Team
Dave Gordon
Media Platforms Design Team
Paul Agruso
Media Platforms Design Team
Anthony Camaioni II
Media Platforms Design Team
Andrea Booth
Media Platforms Design Team
Jennifer Nichols
Media Platforms Design Team
Erik Muhlenhaupt
Media Platforms Design Team
Stacy Saunders
Media Platforms Design Team
Pete Mumbower
Media Platforms Design Team
Martin Christian
Media Platforms Design Team
Marissa Hughes
Media Platforms Design Team
Carolyn Templeton
Media Platforms Design Team
Rebecca Sable
Media Platforms Design Team
Dave Martin
Media Platforms Design Team
Jenny March
Media Platforms Design Team
Kennedy Rude
Media Platforms Design Team
Scott Schumann
Media Platforms Design Team
John Judge
Media Platforms Design Team
Beth Ashinsky
Media Platforms Design Team
Jay Steinberg
Media Platforms Design Team