From Runners World for Wahoo Fitness
The best of both worlds.
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The shielding and the protection might be nice byproducts of throwing on a pair of shades, but if you don't feel like you're a heartthrob trying to stay one step ahead of those pesky paps every time you wear yours, you my friend, are wearing 'em wrong. From here on out, think of polarized sunglasses as offering the best of both worlds—all the glitz and glamour of your favorite Old Hollywood stars combined with the always-in-style move that is treating your eyes right. Here's looking at you, kid.
Avidan Grossman is the Style eCommerce Editor at Esquire, covering men’s fashion, shoes, grooming, and accessories. He spends way too much time deciding what to wear. Needless to say, his parents still have no idea what he does.
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