It's a good time to hit the trails, but rocks, roots, and switchbacks challenge your coordination and stability, says Christine Mateer, a coach, physical therapist, and trail-race champ. Do these balance-disc exercises twice a week to build strength and help prevent ankle, knee, and hip injuries.
Improves your stability and motor control on a trail's tight turns.
To do:
Rest your right hand and left knee on balance discs; extend your opposite arm and leg. Bring your left elbow toward your right knee. Repeat 10 times on each leg.
Effective Exercises for Hip Pain
Strengthens hip and core muscles for a strong push-off on hills and rough terrain.
To do:
From the top of a push-up position, hands centered on discs, lift your right knee toward your left elbow while keeping your spine and left leg straight. Hold for one second, return to push-up position, and lift the left knee toward your right elbow. Do 10 reps.
How to Treat Tight Calves.
To do:
Place your left foot on a balance disc, cross your right leg behind, and lower into a semi-squat (A). Keeping your left foot planted, do a crossover lunge forward with the right leg (B). Then swing right leg back to start (A). (It may help to practice the move a few times without the disc.) Repeat 10 times and switch legs.
Half-Kneeling Run
Strengthens upper body for a more efficient arm swing on steep trail climbs.
To do:
Holding light weights, kneel and place one foot on a disc, knee bent at 90 degrees. Pump your arms rapidly for one minute. Switch legs and repeat.
Do these exercises twice a week to build strength and help prevent ankle, knee, and hip injuries. Integrate balance-discs to increase each exercises intensity.
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