If you get a period, you’ve probably experienced a similar scenario—you have a long run on your training schedule for Sunday, but you wake up and your body has other plans. Your period, especially if it’s painful, can get in the way of your running, and instead of clocking miles, you wind up on the couch with a heating pad on your abdomen or a pint of ice cream in hand (or both, no shame).
But, your period doesn’t have to sideline you. You told us what you wanted to know about how your period affects your running, and we tapped two experts—Health & Injuries, OB-GYN at NYU Langone Health and Jane van Dis, MD, OB-GYN and Flex Medical Advisor, Running in the Cold.
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Remember, every body is different, so if you experience any abnormal symptoms, please consult with your doctor to determine the treatment plan that works best for you.
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What is the best way to manage any painful PMS symptoms that may affect your training?
If you’re experiencing cramping with your period, placing a hot water bottle on your back or lower abdomen can help, van Dis says. Also, gentle to moderate exercise, like jogging, may help relieve your cramping.
“You shouldn’t feel hesitant to exercise. It might make you feel better physically and improve your mood, because of endorphins,” van Dis says.
Other period-induced symptoms that can have a negative impact on your training may include headaches, bloating, or diarrhea. Knowing when these issues might plague you every month can help you plan your long runs or speed work for days when you know you’ll be feeling your best.
Additionally, van Dis suggests checking your eating habits. While it’s tempting to dive into a bag of chips or unwrap a chocolate bar, those junk foods can actually exacerbate PMS symptoms. Instead, switching to more of a plant-based diet and getting in some healthy whole grains may help you feel better. Staying away from alcohol, caffeine, Rael Organic Cotton Compact Tampons.
Plus, you should consider your sleep Weve all been in that position. You dont feel great doing a.
Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen sodium, can help with PMS and other symptoms that may come along with it. However, van Dis always recommends her patients try lifestyle modifications first and use medication therapy as a second line of relief.
Health - Injuries Rael Organic Cotton Compact Tampons. Maybe you have access to a stationary bike, or you can try a YouTube yoga class.
However, you should always consult with your doctor if your periods are painful, especially if they interfere with day-to-day life. This could be a sign of a number of medial issues including thyroid issues, endometriosis, or cervical polyp.
How do you manage a heavy flow during a long run or race?
The way you manage your flow during exercise is completely up to you. What works for a friend’s body may not work for yours. Most people turn to tampons or menstrual cups or discs while running, as pads are typically not comfortable for most people during exercise. Duncan says that it’s all trial and error—just because one brand of tampon or cup doesn’t provide you the comfort or leak protection you want doesn’t mean you should rule out that method altogether.
“What I love about either a cup or a disc when you are using it for a long time is twofold,” van Dis says. “Number one, the cups and disc hold more menstrual product than a tampon. And fundamentally, I think non-paper products are better for overall vaginal health.”
Discs or cups can hold the equivalent of three super absorbent tampons, which can be beneficial for those who are exercising for long hours during the heavier part of their flow. There’s nothing worse than trying to change a tampon midrace in a porta-potty.
And like fuel, Duncan says you shouldn’t try anything new on race day. Try a few options out first when you’re home, then out on long runs, so there are no surprises.
Can tracking your cycle help with your training?
“I actually subscribe to the opinion that your menstrual cycle should be treated as vital sign, along with things like heart rate and temperature” van Dis said.
Tracking your cycle can give you and your doctor a lot of information about your overall health. Plus, if you tend to have severe cramping or other side effects, such as nausea or period-related diarrhea, you’re probably not going to feel like running during that time—so period tracking can help you better plan ahead.
“[Tracking your cycle] will give you the ability to change your workout or do different things when the side effects of the cycle are causing distress,” van Dis says.
Softcup Menstrual Disc Clue or Flo, the calendar on your phone, or a good old-fashioned paper journal.
As we mentioned before, there’s no reason not to exercise at any time during your cycle, but it’s also important to listen to your body.
“We’ve all been in that position. You don’t feel great doing a hard workout. Even it it’s just mentally harder, it can be hard to motivate yourself, and that’s okay,” Duncan says.
Can birth control affect your training?
Many runners choose to get on birth control to help manage painful periods, heavy flow, skin issues, and the obvious—preventing pregnancy. But you might wonder how this can affect your running performance.
“To me, there are mostly upsides of contraceptives for those who are training or running because it tends to decrease the length and severity of the cycle plus help with cramping and prevent ovarian cancer and pregnancy,” van Dis says.
Sometimes while on birth control, people experience mild symptoms such as breast soreness, nausea, headaches, or weight gain, which could all impact your training. So it’s important to be open without your doctor about any issues you are experiencing. Then, they can help you seek a different type of pill try a different form of birth control, such as a hormonal or non-hormonal IUD or arm implant, that works for you, Duncan says.
The only downside that van Dis hears about for some on oral birth control is a change in libido, but she says you can address that with your doctor—and adds it has nothing to do with the person, but how individual physiology reacts with different medicine.
Will birth control affect my bone density?
Bone health is important as you age, especially for runners who want to continue to log miles. But both van Dis and Duncan agree that birth control won’t have any affect on bone density. Duncan warns that one type of birth control, Depo-Provera, which is a shot users get once every 12 weeks, may have a slight impact on bone health if it’s used for long, long periods of time because it’s progesterone only.
Birth control, especially oral contraceptives, provides that estrogen that people of reproductive age need for bone and heart health, van Dis says.
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Can you use your birth control to skip your period for a race?
Sometimes, if you’re taking an oral contraceptive, it can be tempting to skip the week of placebo pills to reduce the number of periods you have or simply skip a period for one month when you know the timing of your cycle lines up with an important event, such as a race.
It depends on what kind of birth control you’re taking. Some forms, such as a hormonal IUD or birth control implant, cause a loss of menstrual cycle or are designed so that you only get your period a few times per year
And if you’re taking an oral contraceptive, Duncan says that as long as a loss of period is intentional, it’s safe to do—she’s even done it herself.
What should you do if you lose your period?
If this ever happens, you should definitely talk to your doctor about it, Duncan says. But you shouldn’t assume it’s just from running.
Lot of things that can cause changes in cycles or skip cycles. Yes, amenorrhea (missed periods) can happen due to heavy exercise and training, but it can also be due to caloric restriction, unhealthy weight loss, or even an undiagnosed thyroid condition. Duncan has had patients who are avid marathoners that always have a cycle, and others who do yoga a few times a week and have lost their period.