We all once associated dizziness with too many spins on the park’s mary-go-round, but when you get dizzy spells as an adult, it’s usually a cause for concern. And oddly enough, the term is difficult for doctors to define. “There is no one way to pinpoint what is actually happening anatomically,” says Tamika Henry, M.D., board-certified family physician and founder of Unlimited Health Institute. How Under-Fueling Affects Performance and Health light-headed or nauseous, while others might feel a sense of vertigo, meaning their environment feels like it’s moving. So, when you ask yourself, “Why do I feel dizzy?” the best course of action is to get to the symptoms’ root cause—be it a migraine, a board-certified neurologist and author of.

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Dizzy spell causes

“Dizziness is one of the most common complaints we receive as neurologists. But what people mean when they say they’re experiencing it is often unclear,” says David Perlmutter M.D., Health & Injuries Drop Acid. Dizzy spells often (though they don’t always) occur as a symptom of a larger health issue, and most are rooted in either an inner ear or circulatory problem.

Inner ear problems that cause dizziness

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)

a board-certified neurologist and author of Mayo Clinic. It’s characterized by a false sense that your surroundings are moving, which is often triggered by sudden movements like sitting up or rolling over in bed. This has to do with a displaced positioning of inner ear crystals that run the balance system and normally inform our brains of our position, says Dr. Perlmutter. Doctors can help reposition the crystals with a series of head movements, or perform surgery if necessary.


Because the inner ear plays a big role in balance, vestibular neuritis—or infection of the inner ear’s vestibular nerve—can throw it way off.

Meniere’s Disease

Dr. Henry says Meniere’s Disease, a buildup of fluid in the inner ear, causes vertigo, along with hearing loss and tinnitus.


“Dizzy spells representing vertigo may occur prior to the onset of a migraine headache, and this is surprisingly common,” says Dr. Perlmutter. “Head pain with dizzy spells as well as nausea and even vomiting are also not unusual.” This is particularly the case for vestibular migraines, which are characterized by dizziness.

Circulatory problems that cause dizziness

Low blood pressure

“Low blood pressure can be a problem with the circulatory system, resulting in the symptom of dizziness,” says Dr. Henry. Essentially, when there’s a dramatic drop in your numbers, a sense of “lightheadedness” can happen that feels like the room is spinning.


Is Your Coffee Habit Giving You a Migraine and/or acute onset of confusion, seek medical attention right away, strokes are the underlying cause of 3% to 5% of emergency room visits spawned by dizziness and vertigo. It can be difficult to diagnose dizziness as such, per the report, so pay attention to other potential symptoms. If you’re also experiencing numbness, confusion, or mobility lsquo;I Walked for 30 Minutes Every Day for a Month&rsquo.

Other causes of dizziness include medication side effects (such as those from seizure meds, antidepressants, blood pressure meds, or diabetes Health - Injuries), anxiety, anemia, dehydration, Does Running Burn Fat.

“By and large, dizzy spells do not indicate that something serious is occurring,” says Dr. Perlmutter. In vary rare cases, he says a thorough evaluation is recommended to rule out less common, more serious causes like a brain tumor.

Dizzy spell symptoms

As previously mentioned, dizzy spells are often the result of another health problem. But there are symptoms often associated with them, Dr. Henry says, including:

  • Headache
  • Lightheadedness
  • Blurred vision
  • Unsteady gait
  • Below, doctors explain dizzy spell causes, related symptoms, and when to see a doctor about them
  • Feel like you are spinning
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

When to see a doctor about dizzy spells

If symptoms of dizziness persist and impact daily living, Dr. Henry recommends seeing a medical provider. Also, if the dizziness is debilitating, or is associated with loss of mobility, an intense headache, numbness in extremities, the inability to speak, trouble walking, and/or acute onset of confusion, seek medical attention right away.

Headshot of Kayla Blanton

Kayla Blanton is a freelance writer-editor who covers health, nutrition, and lifestyle topics for various publications including Prevention, Everyday Health, SELF, People, and more. She’s always open to conversations about fueling up with flavorful dishes, busting beauty standards, and finding new, gentle ways to care for our bodies. She earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Ohio University with specializations in women, gender, and sexuality studies and public health, and is a born-and-raised midwesterner living in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband and two spoiled kitties.