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How Runners’ Hearts are Different

Published: Sep 27, 2016 10:04 AM EDT?

by alex hutchinson

Overall Size

A Change of Heart overall size
Charlie Layton

An endurance athlete’s heart can be up to 50 percent bigger than a nonathlete’s heart.

Bigger Atria

A Change of Heart bigger atria
Charlie Layton

The atria, the upper two “filling chambers” where blood arrives in the heart, are enlarged, as are the ventricles, the two lower chambers that pump blood to the rest of the body.

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More Flexible Coronary Arteries

A Change of Heart more flexible coronary arteries
Charlie Layton

The vessels that supply blood to muscles of the heart are able to expand more to allow more bloodflow during exercise even when there are some cholesterol deposits. This ability to dilate makes it easier for blood to get around any partial blockages.

Wider, More Abundant Coronary Capillaries

A Change of Heart wider, more abundant coronary capillaries
Charlie Layton

The secondary network of vessels that distribute blood to muscles of the heart may be two to three times bigger than normal.

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Denser Plaques?

A Change of Heart denser plaques with A & B
Charlie Layton

A: Cross-section of a coronary artery shows the plaque accumulation of atherosclerosis: blobs of cholesterol (yellow) with dots of calcium (blue).

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