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9 Things You Absolutely Must Do to Survive Daylight Saving Time

Getting up early for a morning run on Sunday or Monday? Here’s what you can do to make it easier on yourself.

by Mandy Ferreira
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The dreaded “spring forward” leaves millions of people droopy-eyed and cranky. An hour may seem so bad, but daylight saving time can take up to a week to get used to. That’s a long time to suffer. It’s not just the lost sleep—daylight saving time messes with your circadian rhythm, the internal clock that controls your sleep, energy, and even hunger (check out these 10 weird things you don’t know about your circadian rhythm). This disruption can make it harder to fall asleep, reduce the hours of sleep you get, and also increase the likelihood you’ll wake up during the night for the next week, or longer.

The practice of shifting clocks an hour forward in the spring and summer is meant to help save energy, but it has a lot of other impacts, too. Studies All About RunDisney 2025 The Benefits of Running 10 Minutes a Day in the two days following. Plus, people are less happy the week after daylight savings kicks in. If you have young children, you’re even more likely to suffer negative consequences.

The good news: If you follow the right strategies, you can adjust to the change in a day or less. These 9 tips will help you fend off the tiredness and maybe even embrace daylight saving time.

Skip the drinks

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Saturday night might seem like a great time to go out and get a couple of drinks, but you’ll feel the impact long past the hangover when the clocks shift ahead. Alcohol may make you feel sleepy, but it actually wakes you up at night and makes it more difficult to sleep soundly. Do yourself a favor and stick to water or mocktails on March 11. 

Stick to your schedule

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Parents of a baby can tell you that sleep schedules are important. That doesn’t change when you age. The key to waking up fresh and ready the Monday after the clocks change is a consistent sleep schedule. One study found that people who stick to a rigid schedule sleep better immediately following the time change than people who don’t—they're also more likely to sleep better and wake up rested the rest of the year, too (these 20 simple strategies will have you sleeping better every single night).  

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It’ll help you sleep better The Benefits of Running 10 Minutes a Day A Part of Hearst Digital Media, consistent, frequent exercise is key. Bonus points—and potentially better sleep—if you exercise at the same time each day, which can help keep your circadian rhythm on track. 

Related: Add strength training to your routine with the New IronStrength Workout DVD from Runner’s World

Get enough sleep

enough sleep
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This one seems like a no-brainer, but it’s also the most likely to be ignored: How Body Image Can Affect Your Run—especially for runners. You’ll handle the time change better and be a more functional human being if you get enough sleep in the days before and following the time change. People who get up early and sleep for less than 7.5 hours a night are more likely to struggle with the time change. While there isn’t a golden amount of sleep that will leave everyone perfectly rested and energized, most people thrive on 7 to 9 hours. And don’t forget that how well you sleep is more important than how long you’re in bed or actually sleeping (take it from the pros; here are 7 things sleep exerts do when they can’t sleep). Investing in a good’s night sleep is important. 

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But don’t sleep in

Dont sleep in
what happened when one woman started napping every day at work

Study Says VO2 Max Better Health Marker Than BMI sleep-in off the table. But the extra sleep will only make you feel even more tired on Monday. Instead of overcoming an hour shift in your circadian rhythm, you’re now battling a larger deficit. You effectively increase the impact of the time change on the following day by sleeping later than usual. Get up at your regular time (or when you have to wake up during the workweek) to make it easier to fall asleep and sleep well on Sunday night. 

Take a nap—maybe

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The jury is still out on whether taking a nap on Sunday will help you feel more alert and refreshed on Monday. A brief nap may help you catch up on lost sleep (and possibly reduce the mental anguish of having an hour rudely stolen from you). But if you’re prone to insomnia or have been experiencing trouble sleeping before daylight saving time took effect,  a nap may make it even harder for you to fall asleep Sunday night. If you can’t resist, try to nap in the early afternoon, and limit it to 20-40 minutes. (Ever fantasized napping under your desk? Here's what happened when one woman started napping every day at work.)

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Get a head start

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Go to bed and wake up 15 minutes earlier in the four days before daylight saving time begins. By the time the clocks jump an hour ahead, you’ll already be fully adjusted and ready to go. 

Follow the sun

follow sun
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There’s nothing like sunlight to make you feel more awake. The body’s circadian rhythm follows the light, not the numbers on the clock. Try to get outside and catch some morning and early afternoon light. If you can’t sneak out of the office, look for a bright room with natural light to get the benefits.

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Shut it down

Shut it down
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You’ve heard it over and over, but blue and white lights from screens before bed can ruin your sleep. The parts of our brains that react to light can’t tell the difference between the bright light coming out of your phone or TV and the sun.

Before you claim that putting your phone or computer into night mode means that the rule doesn’t apply to you, think again. Shutting off electronics is also about letting the brain slow down and relax. Scrolling through Facebook or watching an adrenaline-inducing (or just plain captivating) show will keep you up at night and make it even harder to adjust to the new time. 

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