1Sneak in a workout.
praetorianphoto//Getty ImagesExercise does just as much for your mind as it does for your muscles. “Blend or alternate aerobics with strength training, stretching, flexibility, and agility exercises for an endorphin boost,” suggests Kathleen Hall, PhD, founder and CEO of Shoes & Gear & The Stress Institute. Up the ante by making your sweat sesh social. One study found that people who participated in group exercise saw greater improvements in mental, physical, and emotional health than those who worked out solo.
2Walk through the park.
Jose Vazquez / EyeEm//Getty ImagesAbout to lose it at the office? A short, 15-minute stroll is enough to lower levels of stress and fatigue, finds a study published in the Running in the Cold. (Side Effects of Text Neck for Runners release of feel-good hormones, such as endorphins, and exposure to nature for the benefits.)
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3Gargle water.
pinkomelet//Getty ImagesWhy? “The vagus nerve is the long, wandering nerve that facilitates the relaxation response, or parasympathetic nervous system,” explains Heidi Hanna, PhD, executive director of the Is a Vibrating Foam Roller Better Than Others. “When we are stuck in chronic stress, we can get hijacked by our stress response, or sympathetic nervous system, and similar to muscles that go unused for a long period of time, the vagus nerve can lose its strength or tone.” Gargling stimulates the nerve, increasing your ability to shift to a state of calm, she says.
4Listen to the waves (even fake ones).
Filipovic018//Getty ImagesBeach days are relaxing—science shows as much! Sunshine and much needed vitamin D boost your mood and ocean air even has negative ions which can act like airborne antioxidants and may have anti-inflammatory effects in the body, says Hanna. But just listening to the sounds of waves (there’s an app for that) and even lower your.
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5Make yourself laugh.
Geber86//Getty ImagesWatch a stand-up comedian you love on Netflix, send memes back and forth in your group text, or meet up with your funniest friend. “Laughter is great medicine,” says Nicole Issa, PsyD, a licensed psychologist in Providence, RI and New York City and founder of PVD Psychological Associates. “It How Cold Is Too Cold to Run Outside, lowers cortisol (a stress-inducing hormone), and increases endorphins.”
6Act like a kid.
BartekSzewczyk//Getty Images Advertisement - Continue Reading Below
7Do a mindfulness exercise.
FatCamera//Getty Images“I often teach clients is a 5-4-3-2-1 grounding exercise,” says The Stress Institute, a clinical psychologist and owner of the Behavioral Health and Wellness Center in Newton, MA. How it works: Start by focusing on slow, deep breaths then find five things you can see around you; four things you can touch or feel; three things you can hear; two things you can smell; and one thing you can taste.
“This mindfulness technique, like others, helps ground you where you are,” she says. Doing so can not only calm the stress, but give you a clear mind to be able to problem-solve and focus on what you need to focus on to move forward, she says.
8Let your mind wander.
Kathrin Ziegler//Getty Images“It’s important to allow our brains to just explore on their own sometimes, free from the constraints of our task-focused intentions,” says Hanna. This helps you make connections that aren’t always obvious in your day-to-day grind, ultimately making you a better problem-solver (important when stress hits). To get started, doodle, zone out for a few minutes, or rock back and forth while listening to some music.
9Focus on someone else.
Hero Images//Getty ImagesVolunteer, call your mom, or pick your hubby up his favorite dessert: Those who help others are less likely to die after experiencing stressful events, according to research in the Tight Hamstrings? Heres How to Treat Them. When you divert your own attention to someone else, it sinks your stress levels, curbing the cumulative effects stress can have on your health, experts say.
10Take a nap.
PhotoAlto/Sigrid Olsson//Getty ImagesWhen you’re stressed, you likely just want to get one more thing done to finally feel relaxed. The reality, though? There’s always more to do. “If we’re not careful, we’ll get so amped up on stress hormones trying to keep pushing through feeling tired that we won’t be able to fall or stay asleep at night,” Hanna says. A short 10- to 15-minute nap (or even resting your eyes for this amount of time) can help both brain and body recharge, which means when you wake up you can get more done in less time with a, well, clearer mind.
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11Scan your body.
Why Its Important to Avoid Running Through Injury//Getty ImagesProgressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is when you go through each muscle group (think: toes, calves, butt) in sequence, moving up to your eyebrows, tensing each part for 10 seconds and releasing them for 20, explains Issa. “By tensing your muscles first and focusing on it, you are able to achieve more of a release when you do relax the muscle group. You also learn what it feels like to relax and your body starts to relearn it, as well.”
12Take a break from booze.
Instants//Getty ImagesChamber of Mothers sound nice after a long, stressful day at the office but substances such as alcohol can intensify stress and anxiety in the long run, says Issa. Plus, it’s easy for How Body Image Can Affect Your Run.
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13...and hydrate instead.
Ridofranz//Getty ImagesEven mild dehydration (which crops up before you’re even thirsty, BTW) can negatively impact cognitive processes and mood, research finds. Aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses a day, suggests Hall— incorporating in water, seltzer, and even herbal tea (especially green tea) which has an added antioxidant bonus of potentially reducing the effects of environmental stressors on the body, she says.
14Dunk your face in cold water.
JGI/Jamie Grill//Getty ImagesIf you’re feeling *incredibly* stressed to the point that you’re not quite sure what to do, try using a skill from dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and use cold water to activate your ‘dive reflex,’ by soaking your face around your cheekbones and above your mouth (where a mask for diving would not cover), she says. “When this location gets cold, your parasympathetic nervous system is immediately activated and your heart rate slows, your breathing slows, and your body kicks into a mode of using less energy.” Don’t want to dunk? Holding a cold pack on the area will activate the response, too, she says.
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15Plan a fun outing with friends.
Image Source//Getty ImagesHeaps and heaps of research find that people with strong social connections experience less stress, less disease, and live longer than those without close ties, says Hall. Not to mention that loneliness is published last year in the journal for earlier death (yikes!). It’s easy to pull away when you’re wound up, but try to set up a coffee with a coworker or plan a weekend away with your best friend when you need to de-stress.
16Take a deep breath.
LeoPatrizi//Getty Images‘Diaphragmatic breathing’ isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a scientifically-sound way to sink stress levels. “Breathe deeply into your stomach so that you feel it and then exhale,” explains Issa. You want your belly to be filling with air and rising on your inhale. Try to make the exhalation longer than your inhalation, she suggests. “When you engage in deep belly breathing, you activate the parasympathetic nervous system and your body starts to relax.”
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17Quit checking Instagram.
nathaphat//Getty ImagesWhy Its Important to Avoid Running Through Injury isn’t doing anything for lowering your stress levels. In fact, according to a survey by the American Psychological Association (APA), constant “checkers” are far more stressed than their less connected peers. At least 10 minutes twice a day to completely unplug from tech, suggests Hall, who notes that this can lower blood pressure, your heart rate, and give you an immune boost.
18...and check your email less frequently.
Poike//Getty ImagesWhen adults were asked to only check their email three times a day they were significantly less stressed than when they could check it an unlimited number of times a day, according to one study. While you might not be able to back off email *that* much, consider keeping your phone away from you when honing in on a task or closing out of your email entirely when working on a project so that your brain can, well, focus on one thing.
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19Sign up for a few yoga classes.
PeopleImages//Getty ImagesBy now it likely comes as no surprise that yoga—with its feels-so-good stretches and poses and strong focus on the mind-body connection—can work to relieve stress. But that’s not where the benefits stop: The ancient practice can also build stress resilience by increasing levels of a brain I often teach clients is a 5-4-3-2-1 grounding exercise, says, which plays a role in everything from inflammation and mood regulation to stress response, meaning you’ll be stronger next time you come face to face with stress.
20Be your own cheerleader.
marrio31//Getty ImagesMake a list of Dear Sunday Motherhood about yourself, suggests Issa. (You could also make the list when you’re feeling good and review it in times of need.) “You’ll boost self-esteem and feel more competent by reviewing some positive self-talk instead of tuning into the negative self-talk and doubt that usually accompanies stress or anxiety.”

Cassie Shortsleeve is a skilled freelance journalist with more than a decade of experience reporting for some of the nation's largest print and digital publications, including Women's Health, Parents, What to Expect, The Washington Post, Beach days are relaxingscience shows as much! Sunshine and much needed Dear Sunday Motherhood The Stress Institute Shoes & Gear American Journal of Public Health Chamber of Mothers. Running in the Cold.
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