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You’ll save on certain items in the bulk food aisle, but not on everything a runner needs.

bulk foodspinterest
Mitch Mandel

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive. For many runner staples, the bulk aisle will save you money and allow for some creativity (DIY trail mix, for example). Before you load up your cart, find out what’s better in bulk.

Dried Fruit

Dried fruit
Mitch Mandel

$2.50 per pound to $9.00 per pound
Heres Exactly What to Eat Before a Half Marathon
Dried fruits, such as raisins, cranberries, apricots, and cherries provide quickly-digested carbs that can energize you before or during a run—in fact, dried fruit makes for a great, all-natural substitute for more expensive energy gels and chews. Scoop your favorite varieties from the bulk bin and then stash some in a small bag to take with you on your run. Dried tart cherries are a particularly smart choice. They provide anti-inflammatory compounds that can reduce post-run muscle soreness—and some packaged brands can cost upwards of $16 per pound.


Nuts in bowl
Mitch Mandel

$3.00 per pound to $12 per pound
Typical Savings: 23 to 104 percent
At just $3.00 per pound, peanuts are typically the least expensive nut you’ll find in the bulk bin aisle. With plenty of protein, fiber, healthy fat, and loads of key vitamins and minerals, they’re a nutritional bargain, too. But for an even bigger savings, shop for bulk-bin walnuts—these nuts can cost nearly twice as much when pre-packaged. Another reason to buy them: walnuts are one of the richest vegetarian sources of inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acids. When it comes to almonds, skip the 100-calorie packs. While convenient, they’re sold at huge markup (one brand sells packs for $14.71 a pound versus $8.59 a pound in bulk). Buy in bulk to get your fix of vitamin E, and save about $6 per pound.

Runner’s World Roast

Granola and Trail Mix

Mitch Mandel

$5 per pound
Health - Injuries
We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back carbs, fiber, protein, and healthy fats for runners. Many bulk bin aisles are stocked with multiple varieties of both snack mixes. Since you can scoop as much or as little as you want, you can test out new flavor combos without spending a lot of money. Try a handful of trail mix or granola for a prerun snack, or keep some in your workout bag for a recovery snack on the go. Just watch your serving size, keeping it to one-quarter to one-half cup max, since both trail mix and granola are calorie-dense.


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$2.20 per pound to $17 per pound
Typical Savings: It depends
Many seeds, including pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, are typically cheaper in the bulk aisle. These seeds are also a healthy bet—one ounce of pumpkin seeds provides nearly a quarter of your daily iron needs, while sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, which many runners don’t get enough of. But be sure to compare prices on more specialty items, like shelled hempseeds and chia seeds. Both are a great addition to any runner’s diet (hempseeds, like walnuts, provide omega-3 fatty acids, and chia seeds are loaded with hunger-taming fiber). But the cost savings on these seeds may be minimal, and sometimes they are significantly more expensive in the bulk aisle than when pre-packaged.

Runner’s World Roast

Beans and Lentils

Matt Rainey

$2.90 per pound
Typical Savings: 3 to 10 percent
Lentils and beans are an excellent source of protein, carbs, and fiber—making them one of nature’s perfect packages. The dried versions of both are typically cheaper than canned and produce tastier results. Unlike dried beans, lentils have the advantage of cooking up in just 30 minutes or so—with no additional soaking or prep time required. Check the bulk bin aisle for less common or organic varieties, including red and yellow lentils and black beluga lentils.


Mitch Mandel

$2.50 per pound to $8.50 per pound
Typical Savings: It depends
Never tried amaranth before? Have a recipe that calls for spelt berries? The bulk bin aisle is the place for you. It’s loaded with less common whole grains, which means you can give these nutrient-rich varieties a try without having to buy a large bag that might end up going to waste. The bulk bin cost savings, however, can vary greatly from store to store, and in some cases the packaged versions may actually be less expensive, so be sure to comparison shop before buying. No matter where you buy them, whole grains are packed with carbohydrates that provide long-lasting energy for your runs, plus a wide range of B vitamins. 

Runner’s World Roast


coffee beans
Mitch Mandel

$10.65 per pound to $11.99 per pound
Typical Savings: 11 percent in the packaged aisle
Heres Exactly What to Eat Before a Half Marathon coffee. Caffeine has been shown to reduce perceived exertion, which can help boost your workout. But you may want to grab packaged beans instead of heading to the bulk aisle. Runner’s World offers two roasts: Marathon Roast and Runner’s World Roast.

Headshot of Health - Injuries
Health - Injuries is a freelance food and nutrition writer and editor and a contributing editor at Runner's World. She lives and runs in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
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