As a lifelong athlete who has been running for more than 15 years, I was initially attracted to a plant-based diet after researching the health benefits that come with eschewing animal products. After a short, failed vegan stint in college (too many fries, not enough running…you do the math!), I returned to a plant-based lifestyle almost three years ago and haven’t looked back. Now, as a certified personal trainer, it’s important to me to debunk the myth of the “weak, scrawny vegan” and show that athletes can still build muscles, be strong, and lead an active lifestyle without animal products. 

And no, going vegan or becoming more plant-based doesn’t mean you have to be perfect 100 percent of the time or have to buy weird, expensive ingredients, or live a life of deprivation. Any small step toward eating more plant-based is great both for your health and for the environment. Now that’s what I’d call a win-win. 

Myth: You have to be 100 percent perfect and never make a mistake.
Nothing, and nobody, in this world is perfect. Don’t put pressure on yourself to go vegan overnight. If you vow to give up animal products but cave and have a piece of cheese, don’t throw in the towel and think that you’re a horrible vegan. Realize that you’re human, and move on. To ease into the transition, start with a few meatless nights a week, then a few meatless days, then some meatless and dairy-less meals. Before you know it, you’ll be on plant-based auto-pilot. It’s a process to change eating habits that have been ingrained in you for years (and we know old habits die hard!). Be gentle with yourself, and know that you are making a difference in your health and the health of the planet with your food choices. And that’s pretty darn awesome. 

MythVegan food is boring, bland, and you only eat tofu. 
Maybe 40 years ago! Sure, we still eat tofu (don’t knock it ’til you’ve baked it), but with the gradual shift in food consumption in the U.S. over the past few years, there is no better time to hop on board the plant-based diet train. Plant-based milks are taking up more shelf space in grocery stores, prominent restaurants are eliminating animal products from their menus, and Ben & Jerry’s has even developed a non-dairy line of ice cream. As people aim to eat fewer animal products and shift toward more plant-based meals, there’s been a surge in demand for vegan food, and the food industry is responding in spades. Have fun with it by checking out a new plant-based restaurant with a friend, grabbing a vegan donut, trying some dairy-free ice cream, or ordering a vegan pizza. 

MythYou’ll never be able to have your favorite food ever again, holidays will stink, and BBQs will be no fun. 
You can find a vegan version of nearly any food you can think of, and I’m willing to bet that you’ll find it as good as, if not better than, the original. Philly cheesesteaks, pizza, nachos, ice cream, brownies, fried chicken and waffles…you name it! One trick is to eliminating animal products. The Benefits of Pea Protein for Runners aren’t eating, focus on all of the incredible foods that you are enjoying. And if you’re worried about being annoying in social settings, fret not. With plant-based diets becoming more mainstream by the day, you don’t have to worry about being a “weirdo.” Take this opportunity to experiment with new dishes and share them with others in social settings. Once your friends and family see how you’re thriving and realize how tasty the food is, you just might have some new converts (just don’t push it on them!). 

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency East Coast native who traded in snowy NYC winters for Southern California sunshine and sea breeze. When not writing or training clients, you can find her running, biking, surfing, rollerblading, or hiking with her dog.