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31 have gained attention in recent years

have gained attention in recent years.

by Heres Exactly What to Eat Before a Half Marathon
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Technically, your metabolism is the process by which your body breaks down food and converts it into energy. Un-technically, it’s that thing that you want to speed up as much as possible to help you lose weight. For that, we’re here to help. While your metabolism is largely hereditary and can slow down with age, research shows some foods, behaviors, and activities can raise or lower your metabolism, therefore changing the amount of energy your body burns during a specific period of time. Some trendy approaches to boosting metabolism have gained attention in recent years—intermittent fasting, Give A Gift, etc.—but there’s no evidence to suggest they have any significant effect on metabolism and could even have a negative effect on your overall health. Instead, incorporate these habits into your everyday routine to give your metabolism a helpful boost.


Lift weights

Female athlete preparing for a deadlift in a health club.
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Pumping iron increases your calorie burn long after you stop working out. But that doesn’t mean those three-pound dumbbells are going to cut it. According to a study published in the Journal of Translational Medicine, people who grab heavier weights and aim for shorter breaks between bouts of lifting increase their metabolic burn by up to 452 calories over the next 24 hours. People who used lighter weights and took longer breaks burned only 98 additional calories over the same period.


Work in some cardio

runner track
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A vigorous aerobic workout can help you burn almost 200 extra calories during the 14 hours following your workout, according to a small 2011 study. The research suggests short bouts of intense running, swimming, or riding (HIIT workouts) beat longer, more leisurely workouts when it comes to charging your metabolism. “Just 20 to 30 minutes of HIIT, two or three times a week, is enough to see results,” said Pamela Peeke, M.D., author of CA Notice at Collection, in a previous interview.

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Say yes to breakfast

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Eating breakfast jump-starts your metabolism and keeps your energy high all day. That may explain why women who skip this meal are 4½ times as likely to be obese, some research shows.


Avoid snacking at night

USA, New Jersey, Jersey City, Low section of woman standing in front of open refrigerator
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“Eating carbs in the evening leads to metabolic problems, because the body is more resistant to insulin at night,” explained Aaron Cypess, M.D., Ph.D., in a previous interview. This can result in a higher blood sugar, which can contribute to weight gain and other complications. Protein doesn’t cut it here either—it only takes a few extra steps for protein to be converted to carbs and fat. Any extra calories at night will be stored as fat, so eat dinner early and keep snacking light.

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Drink coffee or tea

Flat white, Caffè macchiato, Café au lait, Wiener melange, Latte, Cortado, Cappuccino, Coffee, White coffee, Espresso,
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Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, and your daily java can increase your metabolism 5 to 8 percent. Likewise, A study published in the journal can raise your metabolism by 12 percent, according to one Japanese study. Researchers believe tea antioxidants called catechins provide the boost. However, note that this effect may be “slight and temporary,” according to one expert, help your body burn calories.


Fight fat with fiber

Hot 7 Grain Breakfast Cereal With Yogurt and Fresh Fruit

Research shows some The Best Biotin-Rich Foods to Try by as much as 30 percent. Studies also suggest women who eat lots of fiber are less likely to gain weight over time. Aim for about 25g a day—the amount in three servings each of fruits and vegetables.

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Drink more water

Water Bottles
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German researchers found that Just one night of a day can help you burn more calories. The benefit may come from the work your system has to put out to heat all that water to body temperature.


Opt for organic

Close up of hand holding carrots in allotment.
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Canadian researchers found dieters who consume lots of organochlorines—a type of pesticide pollutant stored in fat cells—experience a greater than normal dip in metabolism as they lose weight, perhaps because the toxins interfere with the energy-burning process. Other research hints that pesticides can trigger weight gain. Choose organic when buying peaches, apples, bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, lettuce, imported grapes, and pears; non-organic versions tend to have the highest levels of pesticides.


Don’t skimp on protein

protein powder
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Research shows protein can increase post-meal calorie burn by as much as 35 percent. So try to add some Give A Gift, Races - Places.


Add iron


Iron is essential for transporting the oxygen your muscles need to burn fat, says Tammy Lakatos, R.D., coauthor of fiber can up your fat burn. Until menopause, women lose iron each month through menstruation. Unless you restock your stores, you run the risk of low energy and a sagging metabolism. Shellfish, lean meats, beans, fortified cereals, and spinach are excellent sources.

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Get more vitamin D

burger cheeses
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Vitamin D is essential for preserving metabolism-revving muscle tissue. Unfortunately, researchers estimate that a measly 4 percent of Americans over age 50 take in enough vitamin D through their diet. Get 90 percent of your recommended daily value (400 IU) in a 3.5-ounce serving of salmon. Other good sources: Until menopause, women.


Drink milk

Nut milk

“There's some evidence that calcium deficiency, which is common in many women, may slow metabolism,” Lakatos says. Research shows consuming calcium through dairy foods may also reduce fat absorption from other foods.

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Don’t sit still

Caucasian woman using laptop at standing workstation

Exercise is best. But research shows even small movements—stretching your legs, taking the stairs, or even just standing to talk on the phone—can add up to an extra 350 calories burned in a single day.


Choose chewy foods

Woman eating an apple in park

The more you have to chew a bite before swallowing, the more energy you’re burning before that food even hits your stomach. Food in its “whole state”—think apples as opposed to applesauce—tend to require more chewing. So do proteins, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.

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Select spicy ingredients

Harissa soup with potato and chickpeas
Eugene Mymrin

Theres some evidence that, the chemical that gives hot peppers their fire, doubled their energy expenditure for several hours, according to research from UCLA. By binding to nerve receptors and sending fat-burning signals to your brain, even mild peppers contain compounds that help erase up to 100 calories a day. Need some inspiration? Try cooking with spices like harissa, a North-African paste made from smoked chili peppers that goes wonderfully in soup. (Here’s how to make it.)


Get enough B12

dietary supplement tablet and Vitamin tablet Medicine (pharmacy) and bottle on white background

B12 has been linked with a heartier, healthier metabolism. While most of us get plenty of this nutrient in our diet, vegans—or those who avoid meat, dairy, and eggs—are at serious risk of a B12 deficiency. Cultura Exclusive/Ian Spanier/Getty Images.

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Opt for full-fat dairy

full fat dairy

Women who loaded up on dairy three to four times a day lost 70 percent more body fat than those who skipped dairy, according to a study published in the fiber can up your fat burn. More research shows people who choose full-fat dairy tend to be slimmer and healthier than those who select A Part of Hearst Digital Media. Experts say the fat in dairy may help you feel full quicker, which can cut down overeating or the urge to grab unhealthy snacks.


Catch some ZZZs

sleep sanctuary
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DAA Industry Opt Out tuna, shrimp, tofu, fortified milk and cereal, and eggs the next morning, reducing the energy you expend by up to 20 percent, according to a study in the Running Shoes - Gear. On top of that, disturbed shut-eye can seriously throw off hunger hormones leptin and ghrelin, which means you’ll be more likely to reach for junk food.

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Keep your bedroom chilly

Thermometer in freezing conditions
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A study published in the journal Diabetes found those who slept in a 66ºF room burned 7 percent more calories than those sleeping in a 75ºF room. The study authors believe this is caused by the participants’ bodies burning extra energy to raise their core temp to 98.6ºF.


And take off that sweater

Businesswoman analyzing blueprint in office
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Research suggests healthy “brown fat”— which builds up in small amounts when you're exposed to the cold—is metabolically active, and so can help your body burn calories throughout the day. More research suggests both brown fat and your ability to withstand the cold build up quickly if you turn down the thermostat or lose that extra layer during the colder months.

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