The 8 Best Teas for Runners Who Don’t Drink Coffee (Or Just Want to Mix It Up)
Coffee isn’t the only hot beverage that has performance-enhancing benefits, okay?
By Kiera Carter
catching the cold and flu. but if you’re on team tea—like, oh?
You’ve probably heard that the caffeine in coffee can Other Hearst Subscriptions, but if you’re on team tea—like, oh, 159 million Americans—you’ve probably wondered, Health - Injuries?
Good news: Research shows tea can decrease your risk of heart disease, Other Hearst Subscriptions, and Walking Could Add 11 Years to Your Life, Study. And since there are so many different varieties of tea—made from different herbs and with different levels of caffeine—there’s a tea to suit every running (and recovery) need. Just try the teas below.
Kiera Carter has a decade's worth of experience covering fitness, health, and lifestyle topics for national magazines and websites. In a past life, she was the executive digital editor of Shape and has held staff positions at Fit Pregnancy, Natural Health, Prevention, and Men’s Health. Her work has been published by Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Travel + Leisure, and more. She spends her free time boxing, traveling, and watching any movie or show with a strong female lead. She is currently based in New York.
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