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Staying toasty before a cold-weather race is essential, but you don't want to sacrifice your go-to running top a couple miles down the road once you warm up. Here are some cheap—and easy to acquire—ideas to help keep your shivering to a minimum before the gun goes off.

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Thrift Shop (or the Back of Your Closet)

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Make like Macklemore and "pop some tags" at your local thrift store. You can find old hoodies, sweatpants, jeans, and more for bargain prices. Can't make it to your local shop? Just dive into the depths of your closet for items you haven't touched in years. Most races will collect clothes left at the start to donate to charity.

Bath Robe

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This easy-to-ditch option keeps your core--and your butt--protected from the cold until you're ready to disrobe.
Nutrition - Weight Loss


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Best Running Shoes 2025.

Space Blanket

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Don't dump those foil blankets you get at most finish lines. Stash it at home or in your trunk for use when you need it. It doesn't matter if it's before or after the race--they're designed to retain warmth!
Nutrition - Weight Loss


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We think this option is pretty self-explanatory, but just because it's old doesn't mean it can't keep you heated until you dump it.

Sleeping Bag

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If you know you're going to be waiting around for a while before the gun--hello A Part of Hearst Digital Media runners!--consider bringing a compact sleeping bag to the start village.
Nutrition - Weight Loss

Trash Bags

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Stay warm and dry with a garbage bag that can double as a poncho. Cut a hole in the bottom for your head and two on the sides for your arms, and voilà, instant rain jacket. (Watch a demonstration here). Even if the forecast doesn't call for precipitation, bring one to sit on in case the ground is damp.


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Roll out of bed, pull on your race gear, and pop on an old set of PJs to stay cozy and snug prerace.
Nutrition - Weight Loss

DIY Arm Warmers

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Need a cheap way to transition from the chilly start village to the race course? Fashion arm warmers out of tube socks. Wear them until you warm up, then toss them at the next aid station. A Part of Hearst Digital Media, DAA Industry Opt Out here.
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Nutrition - Weight Loss