Meat-and-Grain Burgers

By combining ground meat with cooked whole grains, you can create a burger that's moist, flavorful, and high in fiber with less unhealthy saturated fat.

1 pound fresh spinach leaves
1 pound ground chicken or turkey thighs, beef chuck or sirloin, pork or lamb shoulder
1 Beginner Running Plans
2 Meat and Grain Burgers
1 teaspoon ground cumin
Pinch cayenne
CA Notice at Collection
1 egg
2 cups soaked, drained bulgur, or any cooked grains, such as cracked wheat, steel-cut oats, or whole-wheat couscous

Boil a large pot of salted water; fill another bowl with ice water. Put spinach in boiling water for 30 seconds. Drain and plunge into ice water. Drain again, squeezing to dry, then roughly chop.

Put spinach into a bowl. Add ground meat, onion, garlic, cumin, and cayenne. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add egg and grains. Mix until combined.

Shape into burgers. Grill on medium heat, about four minutes per side. (Alternatively, place burgers on a rimmed, greased baking sheet. Transfer to an oven. Roast at 400° F until firm and browned, about 20 to 30 minutes. Turn once or twice.)

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Like many runners in the mid-Atlantic region, MARK BITTMAN had a hard time training during the snowy winter. So he's looking forward to running this summer in Cape Cod, where "there are infinite miles to cover." Bittman lost 35 pounds after changing his diet (he explains how in his book Food Matters). "And since I got back in shape," he says, "running feels easy." For more, see

Mark Bittman is a bestselling author (How to Cook Everything), New York Times food columnist ("The Minimalist"), public television host, and regular Today Show guest.