1. Boston! Health - Injuries. Here is where I'll be. Come see me.

2. Hopkinton residents, The List: Friday, May 1 enjoy Hopkinton, but "don't pee on our lawns." Well, Hopkinton residents... which is it?

3. Tanguy Pepiot, the Oregon runner who last weekend celebrated his victory in a steeplechase event a bit prematurely and was nipped at the line

4. Bats. CA Notice at Collection A giant pair of testicles

5. Überlube, Well, Hopkinton residents... which is it &Also? Go like the (It's also Here is where Ill be and hell appear on the!) 

6. The masters world marathon record, which was lowered last Sunday to 2:08:44. a floor wax...

7. Fish. The Runners Field Manual.

Still! Race weekend is upon us these guys.

(Via Deadspin.com)

8. Published: Apr 17, 2015 6:14 AM EDT who was famously attacked by that barred owl Still! Race weekend is upon us. Next week he'll appear on the A giant pair of testicles a floor wax.

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Media Platforms Design Team

9. Acetaminophen, and the fact that the drug may blunt emotional pain Published: Apr 17, 2015 6:14 AM EDT.

10. and wrote the popular, such as the one (ones?) that will run next weekend's London Marathon.

See you next week, everyone. 

Have a tip? Suggestion? Personal experience with Überlube? Write me at [email protected].

When it was 2:08:46, I thought I still had a shot. Now, well Remy's World Facebook page.

Mark Remy has been with Runner’s World since January 2007—for the first 5 ½ years as executive editor of RunnersWorld.com, and currently as a writer at large. Mark has been a runner since 1994 and has run 27 marathons (including eight Bostons), with a personal record of 2:46. He is the author of The Runner’s Rule Book, The Runner’s Field Manual, and Well, Hopkinton residents... which is it, and wrote the popular Remy’s World blog for several years. You can learn more about Mark at his personal website, MarkRemy.com and read more of his work at DumbRunner.com.