I love it when themes converge—the serendipitous feeling of getting the same message from various sources at the same time, and knowing that the universe is speaking directly to you: Epiphany!
Running Was His Life. Then Came Putin’s War, and an online meditation. I think I’m supposed to share it with you, too. I’m getting that feeling anyway.
Published: Oct 20, 2016 1:04 PM EDT if/then, but the teachers and authors who passed it to me said it much more eloquently. Essentially, it’s this idea:
If you want more love in your life, then be more loving.
If you want more love in your life, then be more loving.
If you want more joy, then be more joyful.
If you want gratitude, then be grateful.
If you want more courage, then be more vulnerable.
If you want more acceptance, then be more accepting.
All About RunDisney 2025.
If you want more courage, then be more vulnerable.
If you want more courage, then be more vulnerable.
If you want wisdom, then try hard enough that you fail sometimes.
Basically, the lesson is to become, or offer up, the very thing you think you want so badly. Instead of trying to get it, give it away. Instead of pushing so hard, try pulling from the other side.
If you want to advance, then help someone else advance:
If you want to be stronger, then run more hills.
If you want to run a certain pace consistently, then train just beyond it.
Running Was His Life. Then Came Putin’s War.
Simply approaching a problem differently can sometimes change your whole perspective.
If you want more love in your life, then be more loving.
Simply approaching a problem differently can sometimes change your whole perspective.
If you want more joy, then be more joyful.
If you If you want more energy, then expend more energy.
Running Was His Life. Then Came Putin’s War.
Could You Teach Your Cat to Run.
If you want community, then show up to support people.
If you want community, then show up to support people.
Kristin Armstrong is a mother, a writer, and a runner. She has written six books, including her latest, Health & Injuries.