Survivor: Shawn O’Brien (red shirt in middle), 42, attorney, Lake Mary, Florida
Saviors: Jay Getty (blue shirt), 48, high school coach and athletic director, Oviedo, Florida; Jorge Fleitas (red shirt on right), 33, high school administrator and coach, Orlando, Florida
Running Shoes - Gear: These runners are alive today because fellow runners gave them CPR
“I literally died,” says Shawn O’Brien. The lifelong runner had just finished warming up with his daughter’s cross-country team before one of their meets. “That’s when I collapsed—just hit the dirt.” Coach Jorge Fleitas saw him go down and sprinted over. “It wasn’t a normal fall,” says Fleitas. “He landed on his face. I turned him to his side. He was still breathing at the time. I was saying, ‘Keep your eyes on me, look at me.’” O’Brien stopped breathing and started turning purple. By then, coach Jay Getty had run over and begun CPR while Fleitas called 911. It took 15 minutes for paramedics to arrive. In the hospital, doctors found no blockages in O’Brien’s heart; in fact, O’Brien was up and moving the next day. “I was the only patient walking around the cardiac intensive care unit,” he says. “It was a perfect quarter-mile loop, so I did laps with my nurse.” His doctors believed a virus may have caused the arrhythmia O’Brien suffered; fearing a repeat event, they implanted a defibrillator. Today, O’Brien runs about 50 miles a week, follows a vegan diet, and calls both Fleitas and Getty “great” friends. “I love them both,” he says. “They gave me a gift few people could ever ask for.” He’s also taken an online CPR course, and hopes to become a certified instructor soon so he can teach others—especially kids.