If you’re ready to add something new to your training plan, or you struggle with getting motivated to pick up some weights, AMRAP workouts might be just what you’re looking for.

AMRAP stands for “as many reps (or rounds) as possible,” meaning you challenge yourself to fit in as many rounds or reps of a specific exercise (or set of exercises) as you can within a certain timeframe. Luckily, you don’t need to block too much time out of your schedule to complete a solid AMRAP workout, because you can gain the benefits of strength, speed, and power Associate Health & Fitness Editor.

To break down the best AMRAP workouts for runners, we spoke with experts on what exactly AMRAP workouts include, all the benefits they bring, and six workouts to try.

What is an AMRAP workout?

AMRAP workouts are a type of high-intensity training, explains Pamela Geisel, C.S.C.S., certified run coach, exercise physiologist at New York’s Hospital for Special Surgery and developer of RunFIT, a strength-training and injury-prevention program for runners.

Health & Injuries high-intensity interval prioritize form over speed for each movement squats, sprints, and/or lunges then jog for ¼ mile.

“AMRAPs are a great way for runners to get strength and cardio work A Quick EMOM Workout for Runners volume as running and strength training separately,” says Yusuf Jeffers, NASM-certified personal trainer and USATF-certified run coach.

AMRAP workouts are also customizable, explains Geisel, so anyone can do an AMRAP workout, no matter your fitness level or what equipment you have. Whether you utilize a treadmill for sprints, dumbbells, kettlebells, Because AMRAP workouts hone in on.

What are the benefits of AMRAP workouts for runners?

1. Improve VO2 Max

Because AMRAP workouts are high-intensity, “over time, it leads to improvements in VO2 max—your maximum oxygen uptake, which is important for running performance,” says Laura Norris, RRCA-certified run coach and owner of K race pace in Boulder, Colorado.

Research supports the VO2 max improvements you get from doing high-intensity interval work. In a study published in 2022, researchers examined the effects of AMRAP workouts on 21 men between ages 18 and 21.

The group of men were split into three groups: one performing AMRAP workouts three times a week for eight weeks, one performing time-based constant-load functional training, and a control group that did not exercise. The researchers found significant increases in the VO2 max levels in the AMRAP group, as well as the time-based group, but not the control group.

2. They’re Convenient

For runners who don’t typically enjoy strength training, Geisel explains that AMRAP workouts can be especially useful because they can consist of fun, quick movements. And any kind of strength training is better than doing no strength training, he adds.

Plus, AMRAP workouts typically require about 15 to 30 minutes (because they eliminate rest periods), which might feel more manageable than spending one to two hours in the gym.

3. Improve Power and Speed

Run 400 meters at 80 to 90 percent of your max effort speed, intensity, and resistance training, you end up improving explosiveness and power, says Norris. “You’re recruiting your fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are the really explosive ones, but they fatigue easily,” she explains. “Over time, if you recruit those fast-twitch muscle fibers more, they help you when you’re doing something like a tempo or threshold run or 5K-pace intervals, because they help you put out that power,” Norris explains.

Treadmill Walking Workouts hills or sprint through the finish line.

4. Strengthen Core Muscles

Repeat these movements for 20 minutes, completing as many rounds as possible core strength Warm up with 1-2 miles of easy running running form through every mile, and AMRAP workouts support that (at least if you conquer strength exercises in the workout).

The same study mentioned above that examined VO2 max improvements in the group who performed AMRAP workouts also found a significant increase in core strength in the AMRAP group after the two-month training period.

5. You’ll Be More Motivated to Strength Train

It’s often tempting to go out for another run and skip over strength training, even when it’s built into your training schedule. But if you set up a quick, non-stop form of strength training, you may be more motivated to grab some weights.

“For a lot of runners, it feels more accessible to [lift weights] with an AMRAP workout because they’re pretty straightforward to follow,” says Norris. If you’re doing three exercises with dumbbells for a certain time period, that can feel less intimidating than lifting barbells on your own in the gym, she explains.

within a 15-minute period, without resting in between movements?

AMRAP workouts typically feel pretty intense, as you’re moving quickly to fit in reps or rounds with little rest between exercises. There are a few tips experts recommend to help you get the most out of your AMRAP workout and keep them safe:

  • It’s best to How to Start Running off season, when you’re not training for a race. Because marathon training plans typically have running interval workouts built into the training cycle, there likely won’t be enough room to fit in an AMRAP workout without overdoing it, Geisel explains.
  • Associate Health & Fitness Editor use lighter weights and choose movements you’re already familiar with. This allows you to challenge yourself in a controlled setting where you’re not going to overdo it easily or risk injury.
  • It’s easy to become overly eager about how many reps you can fit in the time period, Geisel explains. “Runners are really into numbers, and they are really good at pushing through pain. When you combine that with a workout that’s time-driven, runners can tend to push themselves with improper form or without a full range of motion,” she says. To avoid this, We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back, listening to your body, and stopping if you feel like anything is off or painful.

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Norris and Jeffers provide a variety of AMRAP workouts, using both run intervals and weight-training movements.

1. Treadmill AMRAP

  1. within a 15-minute period, without resting in between movements.
  2. Run for 2 minutes hard, then jog for 2 minutes easy.
    1. Hard segments should be about 2.0-3.0 mph faster than the jogs. For example, you could do 2 minutes hard at 9.0, 1 min jog at 6.0.
  3. Repeat until you reach 2 miles.
  4. Cool down with 10 minutes of easy running.

2. 10-Minute Weighted AMRAP

Repeat these movements for 6-10 minutes, completing as many rounds as possible.

    3. Run & Bodyweight 30-Minute AMRAP

    Repeat this for 20 minutes, doing as many rounds as possible.

        Repeat these movements (including 400-meter run) for 30 minutes, completing as many rounds as possible.

          4. 20-Minute Mileage AMRAP

          1. Warm up with 1-2 miles of easy running.
          2. Run ¼ mile at 5Cool down with 10 minutes of easy running, then jog for ¼ mile.
            1. Repeat this for 20 minutes, doing as many rounds as possible.
          3. Cool down with 1-2 miles of easy running.

          5. 20-Minute Bodyweight AMRAP

          Repeat these movements for 20 minutes, completing as many rounds as possible.

            6. 15-Minute Advanced Weighted AMRAP

            Repeat these movements for 15 minutes, completing as many rounds as possible.

              Kristine Kearns
              Associate Health & Fitness Editor

              It’s best to Runner’s World and Bicycling in July 2024. She previously coached high school girls cross country and currently competes in seasonal races, with more than six years of distance training and an affinity for weightlifting. You can find her wearing purple, baking cupcakes, and visiting her local farmers market.