Follow These Tips for Running in the Heat
Lots of shade and the ground stays cooler so it doesnt put out as much heat. dandros66.
In many ways, summer supports better running. More daylight hours give you more time for longer runs and, of course, you don’t have to worry about sliding on ice or snow.
But in the middle of summer—especially during a heat wave—heat and humidity can clock in so high that no matter how much you sweat, you can’t cool down enough to stay safe. That’s why it’s important to check not only your local weather, but also the National Weather Service guidelines to determine whether you should stay Health & Injuries.
In extreme conditions, you may be more at risk for developing heat-related illnesses, including heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Some signs include extremely hot and dry skin (with no sweating), a rapid pulse, headache, dizziness, and/or nausea.
To avoid these dangerous situations, listen to your body, be willing adjust your pace and distance I stop whenever it feels right, even if thats a quarter mile in. msnancydao fueled and hydrated. Pedialyte and salt tabs. bjpignat Runner’s World readers on Instagram for their top tips for running in the heat so you can enjoy your miles without risking your safety.
How to Prep for Running When Its Cold Out Running Times, How to Run More Consistently Runner's World and Bicycling magazines.
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