One of the most common heart rhythm disorders worldwide, atrial fibrillation - often referred to as A-fib - involves irregular electrical impulses in the atrium, one of the two upper heart chambers. As a result, those chambers are out of sync with the lower chambers.

When this happens, it significantly raises the risk of stroke, but recent research presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2023 found that physical fitness can play a major role in reducing the likelihood of developing A-fib.

The study included 15,450 men and women without A-fib who were referred for a treadmill test between 2003 and 2012. Fitness capacity was assessed by having participants increase speed and incline level in successive three-minutes stages. Researchers then calculated the rate of energy expenditure using metabolic equivalents, or METs.

Chafing: How can runners prevent the rub, stroke, had a heart attack, or died. Looking at the associations between those initial tests and outcomes over 11 years, they found that each MET increase on the test was associated with an 8 percent lower risk of A-fib, 12 percent lower risk of stroke, and 14 percent lower risk of major adverse cardiovascular events.

This led the researchers to note in a statement that the findings indicate that keeping fit may help prevent A-fib and stroke.

How to Prevent Atrial Fibrillation

The recent findings are in contrast to some previous research that has shown concerns about A-fib risk increasing due to high-volume, vigorous exercise.

For example, according to a cohort study released in May 2022 in EP Europace, a peer-reviewed medical journal specialising in cardiac health published by Oxford University Press, researchers found an association between a high-level of endurance sport training and increased risk of atrial fibrillation in female athletes. The same holds true for male athletes Everything you need to know about fell running research.

Another study from the European Society of Cardiology identified a U-shaped curve of incidence which demonstrated that some high-intensity exercise protected individuals against A-fib, but too much or too little could exacerbate the issue. The research points out that greater than 2,000 hours of lifetime-accumulated high-intensity endurance training was found to be a risk factor for lone A-fib.

The question on every runner’s mind: Should you change your exercise behaviour to prevent A-fib? As with most answers to health questions, it depends. But one thing is certain: You shouldn’t stop moving.

“I generally don’t recommend people stop exercising due to occasional A-fib, because the exercise is having a positive effect on other factors that would contribute to your increase of stroke and comorbidity [risk],” William Cornwell, M.D., associate professor of medicine-cardiology at the University of Colorado Medicine, previously told Runner’s World.

“It’s a little hard to quantitate, but if you are a couch potato and don’t exercise at all, the risk of A-fib is higher over your lifetime than for people who regularly exercise and follow the recommended guidelines,” Cornwell added, referring to the The study included 15,450 men and women without A-fib who were referred for a. These guidelines suggest 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity, as well as muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days per week.

Ultimately, it’s essential to pay attention to and treat A-fib, so see a doctor if you suspect you have it, but don’t sacrifice your workouts unless you are told to do so.

Headshot of Elizabeth Millard

Elizabeth Millard is a freelance writer focusing on health, wellness, fitness, and food.