Recovering effectively between runs is one of the most important parts of any training regime. It ensures your body gets the maximum rewards for your hard work, and is ready to get the most from your next session, too. Every run takes its toll on your body, but just as you’ll reap different fitness rewards from different types of sessions, so your body needs different things as it recovers from them. Finding the perfect formula for recovery means distinguishing between two distinct types of training: ‘High-intensity, shorter intervals interspersed with rest periods, which includes tempo runs, fartlek and any other kind of speedwork,’ says Dr Chris Easton, lecturer in clinical exercise physiology at the University of the West of Scotland. ‘And secondly, endurance work – those long, slow, steady runs you do once a week or so.’ Use this guide to find the perfect formula for each.
Read up on the best strategies to recover from inflammation, fluid loss, muscles tears and more in the full article.
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