There's no ifs or buts about it – warming up before speedwork is essential. A short jog will elevate your heart rate and loosen up your muscles, while some simple warm-up running dills will boost blood flow to the muscles, open up the hips and increase your range of motion. This will not only see you run stronger, by priming the body for the task ahead, but reduce your risk of straining or tearing a muscle.

So, before your next speed session, get the legs prepped like a pro by completing a short jog and then these four simple warm-up running drills...

1. Slow skipping

dynamic warmup
Lizzy Thomas

Skip slowly forward, keeping strides short and focusing on driving off each leg at the back of the skip to propel you up and forward.

2. High knees

dynamic warmup
Lizzy Thomas

Run forward using small quick strides, bringing each knee to hip height but keeping the foot behind the knee. Land lightly, do not lean back, and remember to use your arms.

3. Bum kicks

dynamic warmup
Lizzy Thomas

Bring your heels up towards your bottom while keeping your thighs vertical as you move slowly forward. This improves hamstring recruitment and helps avoid quad dominance.

4. Sideways jumping jacks

dynamic warmup
Lizzy Thomas

Start to jump sideways, bringing arms overhead and down, and legs apart and together. This strengthens your lateral muscles and develops spring. Change direction halfway.

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