First, the bad news: Your body language can make you appear threatening, even if you have only the purest of intentions. “Fifty-five percent of our communication as humans is nonverbal,” says Jan Hargrave, a Houston-based body language expert. Especially when you’re out running—an activity that involves little talking—actions speak much louder than words. The good news? It’s easy not to be a creep. Here’s how you can make sure other runners always feel safe around you.

Yellow, Symbol, Icon,

Don’t Sneak Up

passing another runner Health & Injuries from behind. “When someone is coming at us from the side, our natural inclination is to protect our core,” Hargrave says. Obviously, you have to pass, which requires being side-by-side. Make your presence known early on. Give a friendly verbal warning as you approach: “Passing on your left!” Then, pass quickly and don’t linger.

Yellow, Clip art, Symbol, Circle, Icon, Emoticon, Graphics,

Leave a Bubble

Hargrave says that a three-foot bubble is necessary for folks to not feel like you’re getting too close. When you pass, don’t infringe on this radius. Move to the side when you’re 4 to 5 feet behind the person you’re passing, then leave plenty of room as you navigate around. If oncoming traffic stops you from passing, drop back so you don’t burst that bubble.

Emoticon, Yellow, Smiley, Smile, Facial expression, Head, Cheek, Happy, Icon, Line,

Keep Conversations Respectful

A general rule: Don’t say anything to a woman that you wouldn’t say to a man. Most women have had to endure far too many comments about their looks and their bodies, which can make even innocuous remarks seem loaded. To be safe, refrain from commenting on her appearance, expressing surprise at her pace, or saying anything sexual, ever. While you may think you’re paying her a compliment, these interactions can feel patronizing or threatening.

That doesn’t mean you can’t be friendly: Feel free to smile, wave, and greet your fellow runners. But if you get any sense that a woman you’re talking to is uncomfortable—Hargrave says signs include her not making eye contact, shifting her body away from you, or physically slowing down or speeding up to move away—it’s time to end your conversation.

Yellow, Symbol, Emoticon, Circle, Clip art, Smile,

Eye Contact Is Okay, But Don’t Stare

When you’re running toward another runner, it’s fine to make eye contact, but keep it brief. “One hundred percent eye contact is weird. Make eye contact and then look down,” or away, says Hargrave. For a cordial, non-threatening touch, give a slight head nod or wave. Nothing more is required.

Yellow, Clip art, Eyewear, Headgear, Emoticon, Icon, Costume, Graphics, Glasses, Smile,

Don’t Creep

Maybe your route happens to be identical to that of the woman running just ahead of you. And maybe you happen to be running at the same pace. It’s possible she doesn’t notice you trailing behind for turn after turn—but chances are she does, says Hargrave. “If we think someone is following us, it’s scary.” Back off a bit, says Hargrave. Better yet, turn and switch up your route.

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