Company registration number: 06866013 | VAT number: GB 865368680 - Dark
Company registration number: 06866013 | VAT number: GB 865368680 - Dark
Company registration number: 06866013 | VAT number: GB 865368680 - Dark

Company registration number: 06866013 | VAT number: GB 865368680Dark

Vitra Hella Jongerius 2016 Magnet Dots. Details
Exchange rate
NZ$1.00 = $0.572

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Designed for Vitra by Dutch designer Hella Jongerius, the organic shape of these five magnetic dots is inspired by the contours of soft pebbles. They have durable shells in earthy shades of stone, umber and midnight blue, and each keep up to five A4 sheets securely in place— perfect for office board displays or hanging pictures of the fridge.

  • 5 Pack
  • Polypropylene Coating
  • Ferrite Magnet