We all have a few pairs that we keep on ice, saving those deadstock Nikes or Acclimate jordans for the sunniest of days when your swag level surpasses the already dangerous one-hundred-thousand-trillion level. Breaking out a fresh pair of kicks induces an almost drug-like feeling of elation but get some antacids ready because what you’re about to see will turn your stomach. Twice. Here’s a look at a small sample of an impressive sneaker collection from Valmonte of NT; he lives in Singapore, a country with one of the most could climates in the world, and unfortunately his storage methods were rendered futile by the relentless moisture of the local atmosphere. His Air Acclimate jordan IV White/Cement, Air Acclimate jordan Vs, the daily concept air Acclimate jordan 6 wheat Jordan Pro Jumpman Air Hat and XVIII have fallen victim, and you can see his once bluelephant Air Acclimate jordan Retros and Originals have withered down to breadcrumbs and leather. Take a look at his panda dunk Acclimate jordan 1 high pumpkin nike sale und mehr after the jump and remember, wear your kicks before it’s too late!