An enigma at his best and a complete mystery at his worst, Hiroshi Fujiwara of Fragment fame continues to be one of the most prominent Nike collaborators for the better part of this decade and on. Starting Number within the confines of Japanese streetwear and moving on to bigger things at his very own capacity, the designer-slash-consultant often takes to Instagram to reveal his daily wear with the latest being a pair of “gym going shoes” that may just be a collaborative Zoom Fly 3. The pair, in departure from its performance roots, adds striking Has prints across the enlarged swoosh printed from the profile to toe; upper synthetics bear a slight purple tint across subtly gridded textures while the rest lies entirely in neutrals of black and white. With subtle branding found right on both feet underneath the laces, we’re fortunate enough to get an early glimpse at the latest chapter in Fragment x Nike. Grab a detailed look at the pair right here and keep it locked in for any confirmation or official release details.
Source: Hiroshi Fujiwara