Vinny, E, Turtle, Drama, and Ari make up the Entourage, a fictional group of friends and agents that have stuck together through the thick and thin during their search for superstardom in Los Angeles. Entourage also happens to be one of LeBron James’ favorite television shows, and he was fortunate enough to do a cameo appearance on the show during which he and a fervent Matt Damon urge Vinny Chase to donate a large sum of money to charity. Entourage is also the inspiration behind this upcoming release of the Nike LeBron 8 V2, in which the colorway is taken from this popular Entourage poster of blue, black, and yellow. DJ Clark Kent showed off his pair back in December, but these can be yours in the coming months as these have a release date in March. These will be limited in availability to some degree so stick with Urlfreeze News for more information and check out the extra shots after the jump.
Style: 429676-401
Color: mercurial superfly cr7 324k gold for sale