Who is Apollos Young? You don’t know? He’s that Pistons player that locked down 54 pts, 31 rebs, 22 steals, 0 assts in a game and is on record for being the first to ever smoke a black & mild during a game. Alright truth be told he’s a BBC-Billionaire ball player sort of along the lines of Johnny Kilroy, a Detroit Pistons Bad Boy that apparently outlasted that era just a bit. The character is paid homage to in this crazy collab from Burn Rubber and Reebok, lighting up the Reebok Question (renamed here as the Reebok Inquiry, Apollos Young’s signature sneaker) with an old street Pistons vibe centered around this Dennis Rodman meets Chuck Norris character. Stay with us after the jump to check out the ostrich leather sporting Reebok Studio Mesh Sports Bra Womens Reebok Berlin Fvs Sport Sneakers Shoes H04427 Burn Rubber.