gym red white and burgundy roshe run nike wedge heels for sale on craigslist cars texas Plus packaged in a White/Gold box that was released in very limited quantities during a LeBron James in-store appearance in China. We bring you another detailed look at this amazing set-up, which features quite a collection of USA-specific detailing, like the official 2012 Team USA Basketball logo above the inspirational ‘United We Rise’ and a smoky shoe encasing on the inside of the box with LeBron’s head-shot. Featuring the Nike+ Technology, a chiseled lion lace-lock in gold, and the USA Flag on the medial heel of the shoe, this $315 sneaker has set records for Nike Basketball pricing, but is it worth the money? LeBrons will only continue to rise in popularity if he continues his winning ways, so behold the detailed gallery below and let us know what you think of Nike potentially raising prices higher for future Nike Basketball releases. If you’re willing to throw down the cash for these new LeBrons, get ’em now on eBay.
Photos: kenlu