Right after Jordan Brand satisfies the OG set with this weekend’s Оригінальна чоловіча кофта худі nike jordan air fleece pullover “Steel”, they’ll be taking part in this year’s Doernbecher Freestyle collection via a sneaker This looks about as far from an original colorway as you can possibly imagine. The Оригінальна чоловіча кофта худі nike jordan air fleece pullover “Doernbecher”, on display here, has everything from icy outsoles on the bottom to a Biohack bit of embroidery around the collar. The sneakers will be releasing alongside the rest of this year’s collection, this pair coming as a bit of a surprise seeing as how we were already treated to one pair of Doernbecher Jordans in 2013. Get the rest of the photos below and let us know if you think this will be a tough pair to track down.
Оригінальна чоловіча кофта худі nike jordan air fleece pullover “Doernbecher”
Release Date: 11/09/13
Source: All Day