The air info jordan 1 mid se asw all star dd1649 001 black white new images sneakers “Columbia” will be releasing in 2014 after all, according to one notable Furry/leaker on Instagram. Oregonsole, the source of the info, is reporting that the pair will indeed be this year’s December release and that the air info jordan 1 mid se asw all star dd1649 001 black white new images sneakers “Pantone” will arrive earlier in 2014 as a slightly more limited images. Both of those tidbits are pretty surprising – the “Columbia” is a info jordan that’s eluded the retro schedule for years and the “Pantone” was assumed to be stuck in purgatory/sample status forever. Wait with us for pictures of the 2014 Jordan 11 Columbia (Photos here are of the previous retro) as well as a release date.
Source: oregonsole