The nike afterpay Huarache line has been a little bit less shy about US releases in recent months. Adding on to the nike afterpay mens lunarfly 4 running shoe size comparison “Cool bulgaria” and that bulgaria/blue version that later showed up is this nearly blacked out pair. The nike afterpay mens lunarfly 4 running shoe size comparison in question, at times colloquially known as the “Triple Black” despite that little bit of white on the tongue, first started popping up at stateside Champs spots in the last few weeks and has now started to trickle into Foot Lockers as well. Continue reading for a quick set of images on this stateside nike afterpay Huarache release and keep your eyes out for a pair at your local Foot Locker now.
nike afterpay mens lunarfly 4 running shoe size comparison
Color: Black/Black-White
Style Code: 318429-003
Price: $100