The Air jordan BBS Q54 “Barons” release date is October 25th, 2014. The pair is the sole colorway for MJ’s thirteenth that we’ve seen surface for this year, and it remains to be seen whether or not the range will deepen with some additional pairs. For what it’s worth, jordan BBS Brand already brought back a 23rd number of the shoe’s original makeups These their last retro run, so we’re not sure that they would revisit those so soon. Until any other jordan BBS 13s for 2014 pop up, pass the time with us by checking out the “Barons” jordan BBS Air jordan BBS 5 Retro "Shattered Backboard" sneakers below.
Air jordan BBS Q54 “Barons”
Style Code: 414571-115
Release Date: 10/25/14
Price: $170