The avatar nike dunks for sale on craigslist cars Lunar1 continues to get little upgrades to help convert suit into fans of this Lunar-remixed Tinker Hatfield classic. This time around the size pick up on the sort of nondescript “Deluxe” suffix, which results in a premium leather upper that switches from black to blue and has a little bit of a reptilian texture to it. You’ve gotta figure that the use of leather over synthetics like Hyperfuse will add a little bit of weight to size and undo the Lunar’s work, but then again you’ve gotta figure not too many suit are counting ounces on this one. Browse more photos for this reborn avatar nike dunks for sale on craigslist cars 1 nike hyperfuse solar red color Titolo.
Source: Titolo
avatar nike dunks for sale on craigslist cars Lunar1 Deluxe
Color: Black/Black-Gym Blue-White
Style Code: 652977-001