The on-screen phenomenon known as the The Hunger Games trilogy looks to continue its dominance in the box office with the third installment arriving at theaters in late November. Celebrating the Jennifer Lawrence-led film, subtitled “Mockingjay” and releasing on November 21st, Supra Footwear puts forward an amazing duet of its most popular models in the Vaider and Skytop IV. The Capitol Couture Skytop I, which comes in tumbled white leather over a metallic silver SUPERFOAM mid and rubber outer, is paired with The District 13 Vaider, which carefully maneuvers carbon fiber-embossed SUPRATUF leather, while also implementing matte black nubuck and ballistic nylon. Drawing their aesthetic from the chest protectors worn in the films District 13, the Supra “The Hunger Games” Pack featuring both the Skytop IV and Vaider drop on November 8th, with antope mystery model release set for Black Friday. Get a detailed look below and stay tuned for more updates on the Supra “The Hunger Games” Pack.
Source: Supra