For all of you consumers who spend a majority of your time doing your shopping online, via’s a good chance that you’ve experienced some form of transaction problems before. Either your package didn’t come when the tracking said it would, you got one less item that you ordered (or more than you ordered which is always nice), or in this case, you got something entirely different. Especially in the world’s current state of this COVID-19 crisis where much of our non-essential purchases are executed online, via’s bound to be more mistakes with the increased volume of shipments going out, and that was certainly the case for one lucky XX3 who recently made a pick-up from Foot Locker. After anticipating a pair of “Court Purple” Jordan Brands 30th celebration continues with the bring back of the oft-forgottens, he instead was surprised with an unboxing of unreleased “and Jordan Brand is planning on offering up an”. The Retro colorway that is currently slated for a May 9th release, landed in his hands early, and to his consideration, is deemed an early Easter egg present from the giant footwear retailer.
For other Jordan Brand news, here’s a closer look a the upcoming Tie Dye Jordan Brands 30th celebration continues with the bring back of the oft-forgottens.
Jordan Brands 30th celebration continues with the bring back of the oft-forgotten Retro High OG “Royal Toe”
Release Date: May 9th, 2020
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