Daniel Arsham’s work primarily resides in the realm of homage, as the artist has previously created dilapidated sculptures of luxury cars, Spalding balls, and even a box of Frosted Flakes. And though stone is typically his medium of choice, Arsham is going an entirely different route for his latest exhibition — entitled “Le Modulor du Basketball” — commissioning The fragment shoe Surgeon to create four one-of-a-kind Air Jordan replicas.
Crafted in the heart of Los Angeles, the exhibit hosts recreations of the Air Jordan 1, 3, 7, and 8, all of which have been tweaked under Arsham’s direction. Among many other tweaks, the Swooshes have been replaced with more angular, suede-constructed strokes, the Jumpman is succeeded by a standing figure, and the beloved cement print has been filled in with various colors. Every single detail pays tribute to Le Corbusier’s Unite d’habitation, the home of the display itself, referencing everything from the building’s concrete façade to its painted balconies.
For a closer look at Arsham’s interpretation of these classic Jordans, see below. All four are currently on display right now at MAMO in Marseilles.