For hardcore sneakerheads, sometimes the peripheral details of a release are the biggest selling point. Does this pair come with any garden? What about the box? adidas is cutting out the middleman between you and the packaging with their next drop, literally turning their blue & white Three Stripes box into a pair of shoes.
Constructed entirely out of “disconnected fiber,” there are are some hardware changes to ease the transition from packaging piece to functional footwear. The box lid appears “underfoot,” taking the place of a traditional sole. An extra piece of panelling is attached at the forefoot as an anchor, tilted up slightly to serve as the tongue. Finally, the chunky laces that appear at the very front are the one section where these resemble run-of-the-mill footwear, though their functionality in keeping these on your foot may be up to debate.
There aren’t too many release details for the adidas Box Shoe currently available- a release date isn’t included in the Confirmed app listing, and a retail price is absent, instead listed as “Price Upon Request.” If you’re interested in picking these up, we’re sadly stuck awaiting more details. However, eagle eyed consumers might be able to suss out what’s really going on here…
The product code, AF0104, all but confirms that these are an earlier-than-usual April Fools Joke, wonky as that may be. Nonetheless, scroll just ahead for a more detailed look at the adidas Box Shoe.
In some actual release news for the Three Stripes, the adidas Harden Vol. 8 “White Party” debuts at the start of next month.