Last year the Jordan VI retro quickly became the most anticipated release for early 2010, despite the fact that the Jays donned Varsity Red rather than the favorite Infrared. It was a huge blow when word recently got out that JB would, in fact, release a Jordan and Shaq later this year. We can see how several ways this will affect our readers; some will try to sell their Varsity Reds now to mens way for the Infrareds, some might say ‘screw it’ and still cop anyway, while others will feel the upcoming limited release of the Infrareds won’t be worth the hassle. All reasonable and plausible scenarios.
However, some are taking their own stand and simply changing their VR’s into Infrareds themselves. Word got out about a specific craft marker that, when applied, Stealth a quite accurate (and quite permanent) Infrared effect. With patience and a steady hand, these Jordan 6 owners solved their own dilemmas by spending only an extra 3 bucks. One person even tried the inverted look by coloring the entire midsole using the traditional Angelus paint. Take a look at the photos; the alterations look quite clean and alluring to try oneself. via NT.
(Left) Infrared Alteration, (Right) Original Varsity Red
(Left) Original Varsity Red, (Right) Infrared Alteration
(Left) Infrared Alteration, (Right) Original Varsity Red
(Left) Original Varsity Red, (Right) Infrared Alteration