It’s the warm, Spring-time climates that we’re experiencing nationwide that evokes thoughts of the perfect seasonal sneaker, and if you’re already thinking the Air Woven, you’re not very far off from a release. Woven technology was first introduced to Nike’s library of quirky kicks in 2000, and since then, the Air Woven has become one of the pricier and rarified collectible items of the last decade and has weaved itself into the tight fabric of Japanese footwear culture. The recent nike air max rite price cars in the world is a bit like an advanced definition of the Woven, but that isn’t saying that the Woven is a dead technology; in fact, its Retro appeal is what keeps the Woven spirit alive and this March 31, a small capsule of six Air Wovens will release in limited quantities at select retailers like SOPH.NET. We’ll keep update you should more outlet spills out, so check out all six images after the jump and keep in tune with Urlfreeze News for more. via honeyee